Stories about Poland from May, 2007
Poland: “A Teletubby in the Closet”
The beatroot writes on the Polish Children’s Ombudsman (Ombudswoman) Ewa Sowinska and her discovery of a “Teletubby in the closet.”
Lithuania: Homophobia
Music and Life – Everywhere! writes about homophobia in Lithuania and a few other EU member states.
Poland: Ryanair Case
The Polish government doesn't like to be made fun of: the latest case involves Ryanair, the beatroot reports.
Poland: Equality Parade and “Phobo-Phobia”
the beatroot writes about the Equality Parade in Warsaw and the failed attempt to get it banned it – “this time on the feeble excuse that homosexuality was against Christianity,...
Poland: Roma Photo Exhibit
“Strolling through the Saski Park in Warsaw this morning, by pure accident, I came across wonderful open air photo exhibition on Polish Roma,” writes Olia Yatskevich of TOL's Romantic and...
Poland: Lustration Law Unconstitutional
The beatroot comments on the verdict of the Constitutional Tribunal on Poland's Lustration Law.
Poland: Fear of “Homoagitacja”
The beatroot writes about yet another form of homophobia in Poland: fear of “homoagitacja.”
Europe: Still Some More on Eurovision
Another mini-roundup of entries on last Saturday's Eurovision Song Contest: Anegdote encourages readers to rejoice – because they “accomplished something too by watching” Serbia's winning entry on TV; Belgrade 2.0...
Russia, EU: On the Eve of Samara Summit
Time to study Russian, again, writes Jonathan Newton of Tales from the European Underbelly: “I would have had much use for such skills today, as I seem to be surrounded...
Ukraine: Preparing for Euro-2012
Kiev Blogger writes about Euro-2012 and the infrastructure changes that Ukraine needs to introduce to make the event successful: “Take hotels. There is a huge lack of them in Kiev,...
Poland: Lines
Steven D. Levitt of Freakonomics Blog visits Poland and writes on “how incredibly rude the Poles were about lines.” The post has already received 74 responses, and here's the first...
Poland: May Days
The beatroot writes about May holidays in Warsaw.