Stories about North Macedonia from November, 2011
China, Macedonia: Chinese Netizens Outraged by School Bus Donation
The news of a Chinese government donation of 23 school buses to the Republic of Macedonia on 25 November, has outraged Chinese netizens, who are mourning for the death of 19 preschool kids in a car accident in Gansu province on 16 November.
Macedonia: Anglophone Online News Sources
GV Author Filip Stojanovski has compiled a list of English-language online news sources about Macedonia on his blog, Razvigor :-).
Macedonia: Veles Says “No” to Lead Poisoning, Government Remains Ambiguous
After the massive protest against restarting of the lead smelting factory in the city of Veles, the citizens feel cheated by the declarative support shown by the politicians from the ruling parties, and demand clear answers from PM Nikola Gruevski on whether the poisoning will continue. Filip Stojanovski reports.
Macedonia: Interior Ministry Responds to Invitation for Debate
The response of the Ministry of the Interior to an invitation for public debate on ways to bring about positive social change through civic activism and reform, organized by the Movement Against Police Brutality, has caused an outrage in Macedonian social media. Filip Stojanovski reports.
Macedonia: Mobilizing Against Veles Lead Smelting Factory
The city of Veles' residents of all political persuasions are united in protest against the restarting of the lead and zinc smelting factory located within city limits, whose operation has had devastating effects on people's health. On November 9, they are organizing a massive rally.