Stories about North Macedonia from October, 2008
Macedonia: Update on the ‘Computer for Every Child’ Project
The blog devoted to the “Computer for Every Child” project gives updates [MKD] from the biggest school in Macedonia: […] “Because of the old electrical installation in the school the...
Macedonia: Software Freedom Day
As part of the global Software Freedom Day, Free Software Macedonia for the third time has organized an event in the center of Skopje. On Oct. 4, they distributed leaflets and disks with Ubuntu Linux, which were prepared specifically for this occasion and included free software applications for other operating systems as well as a movie on the Swedish piracy culture, “Steal This Film.”
The Balkans: Macedonia and Montenegro Recognize Kosovo
On Oct. 9, Montenegro and Macedonia recognized Kosovo's independence. One blogger noted that "coincidentally, this raises the number of countries recognizing to exactly 50." Below are a few more responses from the English-language blogosphere.
Macedonia: Stanisław Pigoń's Website
Say: Macedonia shares a link to Stanisław Pigoń's website, which offers a “positive and cosmopolitan view of Macedonia.”
Macedonia: More on the Name Scandal
Central Europe Activ posts an update on Macedonia's name controversy.
The Balkans: Against “Balkanization”
Hudin thinks it's time to stop using the word “Balkanization”: “Of course we don't say USSRization, Czechoslovakization, British Empirization, or even Austro-Hungarization. No, we say Balkanization and we say it...
Macedonia: War Crimes Charges Against Ethnic Albanian Lawmakers
Foreign Policy Association's War Crimes blog reports on the war crimes charges against two lawmakers from Macedonia's Albanian Democratic Union for Integration.