Stories about North Macedonia from June, 2007
Croatia: More on “Feral Tribune”
Illyrian Gazette has more on the demise of Feral Tribune.
Croatia: “Feral Tribune” Shuts Down
Last week, Croatian finance ministry froze bank accounts of the region’s legendary political weekly, Feral Tribune, due to 68,000 Euros of tax debt, forcing the publication to close. "The only independent journal on the Balkans has now been silenced," wrote one Serbian blogger. Sinisa Boljanovic has more on the causes and the significance of this loss.
The Balkans: Bush's Watch and Stereotypes
Belgrade 2.0 looks at the generalizations and stereotypes revealed by the George W. Bush's stolen watch episode: “…the biggest reason for everyone to be happy – is that this confirms...
Former Yugoslavia: Auschwitz Pavilion
East Ethnia visits the Yugoslavia pavilion at Auschwitz and writes: “Since the country that designed the exhibit no longer exists, and since the museum site does not have extra barracks...
The Balkans: One Man's War Stories
Balkanizer runs the first installment of a story of one man's war experiences: “I was nine years old when Germany invaded Yugoslavia. I was 60 years when war came again...
Former Yugoslavia: A Tito Documentary
The Glory of Carniola posts a documentary about Tito (with English subtitles) and reviews the film's main highlights.