Stories about Philippines from March, 2017
The CIA's Online Museum Offers a Glimpse of US Military Intervention in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is a region where U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War led to the expansion of the CIA’s paramilitary operations in Laos and Cambodia.
Homeless Filipino Families Occupy 6,000 Vacant Public Housing Units
"Look at those houses, they are idle. The grasses have grown tall, the houses are being invaded by soil. Why don't they let the homeless live there?"
Searching for Justice, This Catholic Church Worker Documents Drug Killings in the Philippines
"As a photojournalist, always be with the poor, understand their social reality."
Philippines Offers Media Credentials to Bloggers — But Some Suspect State is Trying to Control Online Content
"when analyzed [in accordance with the guidelines] becomes clear that contrary views are unacceptable lest they be misinterpreted as provocative."