Stories about Philippines from September, 2005
Philippines: Writing prompts
Clair at Blah! checks out writing prompts: a Web site which tries to get around writer's block by suggesting prompts as you type.
Philippines: Spooky tales
The Sassy Laywer's Journal reports that six members of the U.S. House of Representatives have called for an enquiry into the activities of the CIA in the Philippines.
Philippines: Transport Strike
Metroblogging Manila believes that the latest transport strike is an exercise in futility thanks to the energy situation.
Philippines: Hotmanila
Torn and Frayed in Manila reads the latest issue of e-tabloid Hotmanila and cheers. Founded in 2000 by disaffected print journalist Alan C. Robles, Hotmanila gained early fame for its...
Philippines: Gloria Survives
In Manila, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's comfortable escape from impeachment charges in Congress has provoked much commentary about politicians and popular representation.