· December, 2012

Stories about North Korea from December, 2012

From Gangnam Style to Jailed Tweeter: Korea in 2012

  26 December 2012

Starting from North Korean leadership change, to Gangnam Style spreading over the world and finally the presidential election in December, 2012 has been a dramatic year in South Korea. Here are the top seven Korean stories of the year, which created major social media buzz.

Chinese Responses to the North Korea Missile Launch

  20 December 2012

Adam Cathcart from Sino-NK has translated and collected a wide range of reports, comments and discussions from Chinese government, media outlets and concerned citizens about the North Korea Missile launch...

Korea: Tracking North Korean Satellite

  17 December 2012

North Korea Tech blog wrote a detailed post on the North Korean satellite which many news reports claim to have been put into space successfully. The blogger explains how to verify...