· December, 2010

Stories about North Korea from December, 2010

South Korea: Anti-War Protests in Seoul

  21 December 2010

As tensions in Korean peninsula intensified by yesterday's military drills, protesters in Seoul went out to the streets to demonstrate various anti-war performances, with slogans like ‘Peace to Korean peninsula’ and ‘Halt the vicious...

South/North Korea: Tensions Escalate in Midst of Live-Fire Drills

  20 December 2010

South Korean military exercises were underway today near the disputed waters with North Korea, who threatened Seoul to strike back, raising more tensions in the Korean peninsula. The Korean people, who have had one of the toughest days in recent weeks after the Yeonpyeong incident that killed four South Koreans, sighed with relief as the day came to a close without any conflict breaking out.

South/North Korea: A Review of 2010 in Keywords

  20 December 2010

From Cheonan incident in March to the latest North Korean attack on Yeonpyeong island, Global Voices took a look back at the year’s hottest keywords that have been widely circulated over Korean internet venues.

China: WikiLeaks, North Korea and Internet freedom

  7 December 2010

Diplomatic cables leaked by WikiLeaks raise the possibility, among other things, of reunification on the Korean peninsula. The US government's response to the cables, meanwhile, raises questions over online freedoms; asks one netizen: "if information that threatens America gets blocked, then what about information that threatens China's security? Why shouldn't China block that too?"

Japan: Confusion and speculations on the North Korean incident

  5 December 2010

The latest attack by North Korea on South Korea has put Japan on the alert. Is it the beginning of a war? Will it be Japan's turn next time? Or is it just a ‘beat-up' created by both conservative and alarmist media alike? People in Japan are alarmed but don't know what to think.

South Korea: Spa mogul reaches out to Yeonpyeong Refugees

  5 December 2010

After an artillery attack by North Korea on a populated South Korean island which killed four people and turned the island into a ghost town, offers of help for the desperate islanders have come pouring in. About 800 refugees are staying in one of finest spa facilities, thanks to the generosity of its owner.

Singapore: Wikileaks and the “flabby old chap” comment

  2 December 2010

Apparently, Singapore’s former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew thinks North Korea leader Kim Jong-il is a “flabby old chap who prances around stadiums seeking adulation.” This was revealed through the uploaded documents on Wikileaks. What are the reactions of Singapore bloggers?