Stories about North Korea from May, 2006
North Korea: Defectors granted asylum
Among the several interesting stories found in The Korea Liberator blogger Joshua's Korea Diary this week is a happy ending for four North Koreans who recently sought to defect.
North Korea: Foreign bureau opens
International news agency Associated Press has opened a bureau in the North Korean capitol of Pyongyang, blogs Asiapundit‘s myrick, making it the third to do so after China's Xinhua and...
China: Technorati learns Chinese
Welcome news on Danwei today of Technorati's announcement of a partnership with public relations firm Edelman which will see an increase of the blog aggregator's services to include five new...
Japan: Korean terrorists interested
I am the Japanese rightist blogger yellowpeep continues her series of posts this month exposing religious and right-wing terrorist groups in Japan with a story that shows the various roles...
North Korea: Comfort women escape
Two questions from reading posts from Joshua and James J. Na today at The Korea Liberator: Do comfort women still exist in North Korea today? Does Kimchi cause cancer?
Taiwan: Chinese spy confesses
A Taiwanese agent for the Chinese government wasn't so covert in trying to purchase an F-16 fighter jet engine and cruise missiles, blogs James J. Na at The Korea Liberator,...
South Korea: Human rights campaign
Prior to tomorrow's kick-off to Project Sunshine—a two-week campaign for human rights for North Koreans—a documentary was screened and a mock funeral procession held in, says Joshua at The Korea...
Hong Kong: Making fun of news
EastSouthWestNorth blogger Roland Soong translates a blog post which takes a humorous look at the ten hottest news stories on the internet this past week.
North Korea: Photos from inside
Robert Koehler at The Marmot's Hole links to 301 photos taken recently in North Korea.
North Korea: Human rights observed
It's a small step in the right direction, says The Korea Liberator blogger Joshua, of a change in South Korea's National Human Rights Commission's tendency to shy away from documenting...
South Korea: Korean studies congress
A call for papers has been sounded, blogs Hunjangûi Karûch’im‘s Antti Leppänen, for the third world congress of Korean studies set for October this year. “There doesn't seem to be...
North Korea: Execution carried out
Joshua at The Korea Liberator blogs on a North Korean political prisoner who was executed this past weekend, and then two posts from James Na on the meager turnout at...