· October, 2008

Stories about Macau (China) from October, 2008

Macau: Netizen charged for reporting on Bank Run

  14 October 2008

A school teacher passed through a bank in Macau where a group of people were trying to withdraw all their money in fear of the financial crisis. At home, he wrote his brief reflections on what he saw in an online forum, only to be charged by the police for "fabricating dangerous information", and later to be sued by the bank for criminal libel.

Macau: The melamine crisis and change in habits

  12 October 2008

Leocardo [pt] describes how the melamine crisis has changed some of the consumer habits in Macau. He inquired the owner of the family owned supermarket next to his home if she had noticed any differences. “She told she had, and some Portuguese products had registered a vertiginous rise in sales…...