Stories about Japan from February, 2010
Japan: Blogging from a locked room
What if you found yourself trapped in a room of your house with the door lock broken and few tools with you? This is what happened to Fumiko Fumio. Equipped...
China: Toilet paper making machine
Mari introduces a machine that make toilet paper out of office recycle papers.
Japan: Thoughts on Longevity
As the most rapidly ageing country in the world in addition to having the highest life expectancy, Japan has a lot to think about concerning quality of life and a...
Japan: A Typical Day
Matt Alt translated a diagram that shows the exaggerated schedules of a “normal” person versus that of a “NEET” (Not Employed, in Education, or Training).
Japan: Iceland from a Japanese viewpoint
hey11pop published pictures of the breathtaking Icelandic landscape taken during the blogger's last trip in the region.
Japan: Sapporo Snow Festival 2010
At Pinktentacle some pictures of the amazing snow sculptures realized and exhibited at the Sapporo Snow Festival (in the northern island of Hokkaido).
Japan: Cool bizz campaign
Neojaponisme blogs about conflicts and challenges surrounding the cool bizz campaign in Japan. The campaign encourages white-collar workers to work sans jacket and tie in the summer months to reduce...
Egypt: Recall your Corolla
Zeinobia mentions that the Egyptian Consumer Protection Agency has obliged Toyota Egypt to recall some of its models from the market, in order to fix defects Toyota announced earlier on...
Japan: Department Stores-ology
Roy Berman at Mutantfrog illustrates “The history of department stores in Kyoto, and Kyoto in the history of the department store”.
Japan: Momus, on This Ageing Country
In “Growing old in, and with, Japan” on the Click Opera blog, Nick Currie (aka Momus) lists several points of what could be “a silver lining to Japan's likely silver...
Japan: J-Music 2000-2009
A brilliant review [en] of a decade of Japanese music by W. David MARX at Néojaponisme.
Japan: Tweets from the Foreign Minister`s news conference
Freelance journalist Takashi Uesugi is live-tweeting from the Foreign Minister Okada`s news conference.
Japan: Top Ten Successful Expats
Alex at lists “Top Ten Successful Expats in Japan” – “Definitely English-speaking, American, white males have the easiest access to success as a foreigner in Japan.”
Japan: Guide to Tokyo Gallery Geography
In “A Beginner’s Guide to Tokyo Gallery Geography“, William Andrews at the Tokyo Art Beat blog describes some of the key areas for enjoying contemporary art in the city.
Japan: When forced confessions lead justice astray
The recent Ashikaga case [en] saw a man acquitted after serving 17 years in prison after being convicted of murdering a child because of inaccurate DNA tests. It has once...
Japan: Learning the art of diplomacy from a mobster
Blogger at U-SUKE's tumblr says [ja] he learnt the art of diplomacy from a former mobster. This the yakuza's advice: “During negotiations, you know, the one who looses his temper...
Japan: Snow sculptures at Sapporo Snow Festival 2010
Pink Tentacle posts videos and photos of the snow sculptures at Sapporo Snow Festival 2010.
China: Let Feng Zhenghu come home, to jail time
After 92 days in Narita Airport, activist Feng Zhenghu has returned to Japan and is preparing for his ninth attempt to return home to China. Should he go? Illiberal members of think jail time for leaders in China's exiled democracy movement could give it a fresh start.
Japan: Favorite fruit ranking
Mari Kanazawa highlights an interesting survey on Japanese favorite fruit ranking.
Japan: Snow Candle Sparking Hope for Haiti
Over 100 international students of the International University of Japan joined together to build a snow ball in lighting the candle of hope for Haitians who have been suffering from the earthquake devastation since January 12th.
Japan: For a military base-free Okinawa
TenThousandThings from Kurashi blogs about the weekend rally attended by 6000 people demanding a military base-free Okinawa.