· February, 2010

Stories about Japan from February, 2010

Japan: Blogging from a locked room

  28 February 2010

What if you found yourself trapped in a room of your house with the door lock broken and few tools with you? This is what happened to Fumiko Fumio. Equipped...

Japan: Thoughts on Longevity

  21 February 2010

As the most rapidly ageing country in the world in addition to having the highest life expectancy, Japan has a lot to think about concerning quality of life and a...

Japan: A Typical Day

  18 February 2010

Matt Alt translated a diagram that shows the exaggerated schedules of a “normal” person versus that of a “NEET” (Not Employed, in Education, or Training).

Japan: Cool bizz campaign

  17 February 2010

Neojaponisme blogs about conflicts and challenges surrounding the cool bizz campaign in Japan. The campaign encourages white-collar workers to work sans jacket and tie in the summer months to reduce...

Egypt: Recall your Corolla

  16 February 2010

Zeinobia mentions that the Egyptian Consumer Protection Agency has obliged Toyota Egypt to recall some of its models from the market, in order to fix defects Toyota announced earlier on...

Japan: Top Ten Successful Expats

  12 February 2010

Alex at VictoryManual.com lists “Top Ten Successful Expats in Japan” – “Definitely English-speaking, American, white males have the easiest access to success as a foreigner in Japan.”

China: Let Feng Zhenghu come home, to jail time

  9 February 2010

After 92 days in Narita Airport, activist Feng Zhenghu has returned to Japan and is preparing for his ninth attempt to return home to China. Should he go? Illiberal members of Anti-CNN.com think jail time for leaders in China's exiled democracy movement could give it a fresh start.

Japan: Snow Candle Sparking Hope for Haiti

  4 February 2010

Over 100 international students of the International University of Japan joined together to build a snow ball in lighting the candle of hope for Haitians who have been suffering from the earthquake devastation since January 12th.