· June, 2006

Stories about Japan from June, 2006

Japan: PM goes to Graceland

  29 June 2006

Perhaps having realized his trips to the Yasukuni war shrine were losing him votes, as seen on Mutantfrog, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is making a trip to a different,...

Global Food Blog Report #22

  29 June 2006

#1: Klephblog, no doubt over-caffeinated,  writes "How Coffee changed the Modern World," a great essay about this fruit of the Gods: This wondrous plant is a native of the new...

Japan: Koizumi's legacy

  28 June 2006

“Lost in the frothy trivialities of the debate over Prime Minister Koizumi's Yasukuni Shrine visits,” writes Japundit blogger Ampontan, “is an impressive record of accomplishments during his term in office...

Brazil, Japan: Digital TV to Mobile Devices

  28 June 2006

Melo Bichuetti explains the Japanese-Brazilian collaboration to offer digital television, noting that the “Nippon-Brazilian model allows transmission to mobile devices, what is not possible in the case of the European...

Geisha Blog

  27 June 2006

Geisha Blog has made a series of great posts to introduce Japanese tradition and culture. The latest entry is about the public bathhouse.

Dell on Fire!

  23 June 2006

Gaston saw that a Dell laptop computer exploded into flames , at a conference in Japan. The damn thing was on fire and produced several explosions for more than five...

Japan: Motorbikes, scooters banned

  21 June 2006

When Rising Sun blogger GaijinBiker walked out onto the streets of Tokyo this morning, the first thing he noticed was the missing motorcycles and scooters, as described in his post...

Japan: Smoking minors penalized

  21 June 2006

“No Smooking,” says a misspelt sign posted by JP at Japundit, preceded by a post telling of a mother in Japan charged for neglecting the law which makes her two...

China and Japan: Animation academy

  18 June 2006

Ben Ng reports that A Sino-Japan animation academy was established in Beijing on 11 June (zh). According to a statistic, in year 2004, the animation industry in China made 19.5...

Japan: whaling

  18 June 2006

Onemanbandwith notes that Japan has got to be disappointed because they have spent, on average, 100 Million US Dollars each in “foreign aid” to countries who voted down a proposal...

Japan: foreigners database

  14 June 2006

JP in Japundit reported that the Japanese government is planning to create a central database of information about all registered foreigners in the country for the purpose of “improving services...

Japan: Internet beauty queens

  13 June 2006

An internet beauty queen has been chosen, writes Tokyo Times‘ Lee, from 5,500 entries: “[I]n a bid to make sure that the victor didn’t turn out to be a balding...

Japan: The shape of state buildings

  12 June 2006

Kotaji blogger kotajihwa blogs on some interesting sights found using Google Earth to look down on Japanese and South Korean government buildings in ‘Archigraphy.’ via Kerim and Pinyin News.

Mongolia: Whaling Support

Luke Distelhorst reports that Mongolia, a country without a single inch of ocean coastline, has come out as a supporter of whaling. Like many other countries with a newfound support...

Japan: Literary reader published

  7 June 2006

FG blogger Mulboyne takes a look at the recently-published book ‘Japan: A Traveler's Literary Companion‘ and the stories in it which, the blogger writes, “like the country and the people,...

Global Food Blog Report # 20

  6 June 2006

We keep a database of delicious food blogs from all over the world, and make sure to follow their creations and stories every week. Being the blogoholic I am, I...

Japan: HIV situation worsening

  6 June 2006

“Japan has an AIDS problem that is not getting the attention it deserves,” writes Japundit‘s JP, with a post looking at recent HIV infection statistics. “One expert says,” blogs JP,...