Stories about Indonesia from October, 2011
History of Medicine in Southeast Asia
A new website was created to gather research and more information about the history of medicine in the Southeast Asian region.
Overview of Occupy Southeast Asia
‘Occupy’ protests are also spreading in Southeast Asia. Inspired by the global ‘Occupy’ movement, assemblies were organized this month in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore. Here is an overview of the 'Occupy' actions in the region and their online impact.
Indonesia: Yogyakarta Royal Wedding
The Yogyakarta sultanate in Indonesia is celebrating the Royal Wedding of Princess Bendara and Prince Yuda. The happy event was live streamed through microblogs and other social media platforms for the entire world to see.
Anti-Malaysianism in Indonesia?
Farish A Noor discusses the perceived anti-Malaysianism sentiment in Indonesia. The author hopes for better relations between the two neighbors in the Southeast Asian region
West Papua: ‘Biggest Threat’ to Pacific Media Freedom
The Pacific Journalism Review reports that Indonesia-occupied West Papua has the most serious violations of press freedom in the Pacific area.
Indonesia: Q! Film Festival
Q! Film Festival is a festival showcasing LGBT, HIV/AIDS and Human Rights films in Indonesia.
Singapore: Regional Haze Map
The Meteorological Service Singapore website has a feature which provides a Regional Haze Map. Haze is reported to be getting intense this year in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.
‘Rural Cosmopolitanism’ in Southeast Asia
Dr. Pun-Arj Chairatana writes about the rising ‘rural cosmopolitanism’ in Southeast Asia. The author also notes the impact of improving digital literacy in the rural economies of the region