· March, 2006

Stories about Indonesia from March, 2006

Indonesia: People are leaving

  30 March 2006

Sarapan Ekonomi notices that many people are leaving Indonesia citing the map provided by Worldmapper and commenting that net emigration is common in poor or developing countries, where the poor...

Indonesia: Tolerance for Terror

23 March 2006

Sarapan Ekonomi worries about a recent survey result that indicate 11% of Indonesians – or 24.2 million people – think terrorist attacks are OK.

Indonesia: Potemkin Harvest

  17 March 2006

Sarapan Ekonomi comments on local farmers on Buru Island being prevented from harvesting their rice until the President of Indonesia shows up for “Great Harvest Day.”

Indonesia: Warnings for Women

  14 March 2006

Noting that more and more women are starting to smoke, Indonesia Anonymus suggests some alternative warning labels that could scare off as many women as men.

Indonesia: Rice's Visit

  10 March 2006

Yosef Ardi explains what lies in wait for U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice when she makes her first official visit to Indonesia. In particular, he talks about the possibilities...

Indonesia: Fewer Tycoons

  10 March 2006

Jakartass comments on the drop in the number of Indonesian billionaires on Forbes’ magazine's list of the world's 50 richest individuals: from ten in 1996 to two a decade later....

Indonesia: Experiment on Superstition

9 March 2006

Indonesia Anonymus conducts another one of their social experiments: this time they try to see whether superstition has a hold on urban office workers.

Indonesia: Investment Ironies

  8 March 2006

Yosef Ardi points out that Indonesia's government makes it difficult for foreign investors (but not creditors) to do business in the country. “If we couldn't trust foreign investors (FDI) and...

Malaysia: Absence of Choice

  8 March 2006

Mack Zulkifli at Brand New Malaysian writes about the irony of politicians and bureaucrats telling those hit by recent fuel price increases to “change their lifestyles.” Many politicos have drivers...

Indonesia: Oil Concession

  2 March 2006

Yosef Ardi updates us on the struggle between ExxonMobil and Indonesian state oil company Pertamina over rights to operate the Cepu oil and gas field. He fills in some juicy...