Stories about Hong Kong (China) from August, 2013
Hong Kong's Civil Disobedience Campaign Seeks Inspiration from Martin Luther King
Democrats in Hong Kong are planning to occupy the city center and struggle for universal suffrage. Martin Luther King's civil disobedience campaign serves as their inspiration.
School Teacher Becomes Target of Political Prosecution in Hong Kong
Pro-Beijing groups and the Hong Kong government are going after a school teacher who swore at police officers as they allowed a group of Falun Gong protesters to be harassed.
Hong Kong's Land Expansion ‘Killing’ Local Fishing Industry
Hong Kong's fishermen have bore witness to the negative effects of Hong Kong's push to expand by filling in land from the surrounding ocean.
Hong Kong Sex Workers Forced to Pay for Good Reviews Online
Popular website encourages users and ghostwriters to leave bad reviews of sex workers and charges for positive reviews to be written.
Bloodied Dolphin Prop Gets Activists Kicked Out of Hong Kong Aquarium Protest
The demonstration at Hong Kong Ocean Park was part of the "Empty the Tanks" global day of protest against marine mammal captivity.