Stories about Hong Kong (China) from April, 2013
Chinese Corruption Spreading to Hong Kong “Like SARS & Avian Flu”
A misconduct scandal implicating Timothy Tong, the former chief of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), has Hong Kong and mainland Chinese people worried that ubiquitous corruption in China has spread to Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Boycotts Donations for Sichuan Earthquake
HK Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying’s call for donations to China’s quake-hit Sichuan province has been denied by legislature due to overwhelming opposition by Hongkong citizens.
Cheap Gold Puts China in a Frenzy
Mainland Chinese tourists tempted by the plunging price of gold emptied Hong Kong's local banks and jewelry shops over the weekend of the precious metal.
Hong Kong Hit by Gold Tourism
As the price of gold drops worldwide, mainland Chinese Tourists travel cross the border to Hong Kong to clear local banks and jewellery shops. See Hong Wrong for story detail.
Hong Kong Man Arrested for Cursing China's President with Graffiti
The excessive use of police force in the recent arrest of a man who wrote graffiti cursing the Chinese President has outraged many in Hong Kong.
Torture Victims March in Hong Kong
Hong Wrong blogs about an upcoming protest on April 27 among refugees, tortured survivors and NGOs against the government’s treatment of torture victims and to call for an urgent review...
Margaret Thatcher's Top Five China Moments
Pete DeMola from Beijing Cream reviews Margaret Thatcher's China policy by looking into her five most significant moments and positions in China, including 1. fell down the stairs at the...
Taiwan Independent News Academy Hits at Corporate Media
A group of Taiwanese independent journalists and academics in journalism and communication launched the Academy of Independent Media in March 2013. The academy is to provide journalistic skill to citizen reporters and serve as incubator for independent media organizations.
Hong Kong Dock Workers Strike Against Long Hours, Low Pay
A strike by Hong Kong dock workers demanding a pay raise and protesting arduous working conditions is delivering a costly blow to the city's port operators and winning widespread sympathy from the public.
Hong Kong: International Pillow Fight 2013 is going to hold its third international pillow fight in Hong Kong on April 6, 2013.