Stories about Hong Kong (China) from May, 2009
Hong Kong: SC group censored June 4th special feature
Daisy, an editor from Esquire, a lifestyle magazine under South China media group in Hong Kong, disclosed in her blog that the top management banned the publication of 15 pages...
China and Hong Kong: June 4th protest T-shirt design
Every year on the Sunday before the anniversary of June 4th Incident (Tiananmen Square, 1989), people in Hong Kong would demonstrate to call for justice. This year, the 20th anniversary...
Hong Kong: Donald Tsang, please die!
Last week, the public was outraged by the Chief Executive Donald Tsang‘s remark on June 4 Incident in the Legislative Council's policy address in May 13. When asked about his...
Global Health: “Swine Flu” In Images
Though concerns over the "swine flu" outbreak have eased, the virus continues to spread throughout the world. The World Health Organization announced today that there are now 4,379 confirmed cases of the virus in 29 countries. Here are some images of the swine flu's impact globally.
Hong Kong: Tin Hau festival
See Lamborghinis and lion dances in Gilad Feldman's video and photos from celebrations of the Taoist Tin Hau festival in Hong Kong at Fili's world.