Stories about Hong Kong (China) from January, 2007
Hong Kong: PR campaign defending codfish label
ESWN translates a local newspapers article which analyzed the PR strategy of Parkn'shop over the codfish/oilfish label issue.
Hong Kong: Impartial rule or discrimination?
難道同性戀的傾向是高度傳染的病菌?就連看一看也會受感染? Is homosexuality a kind of contagious virus? And that by watching it on T.V and one would be infected? — Jovisky One Jan 20, the Broadcasting Authority (BA) issued...
Hong Kong: Broadcasting authority PK RTHK
ESWN shows the impartial news headlines by mainstream media on the Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority's strong advice against a RTHK television program about its pro-homosexuality bias.
Hong Kong: Star ferry MTV
A MTV in youtube via on the anti demolition of star ferry and queen's pier campaign.
Hong Kong: monitoring blog's background music
IFPI (International Federation of Phonographic Industry (Hong Kong) decided to have 24 hours monitoring local blogs’ background music against copyrights infringement. The issue raised concerns from local bloggers. However, many...
Hong Kong: warning against homosexual program
The Television and Entertainment licensing authority issued a warning to Radio and Television Broadcast Hong Kong regarding a TV program on homosexual love and marriage. The chief of Commerce, Industry...
Hong Kong: doraemons fans’ websites forced to closed down
Animation International issued legal document and demanded the closed down of non-profitable cartoon fans’ website in Hong Kong. All of them are run by Japanese cartoon figure doraemons’ fans:,...
Hong Kong: lawsuit against single mother heroine
The police decides to charge the single mother heroine, Ho Loy, who has been protesting against the star ferry pier demolition, of possession of weapon (a cutter) and criminal damage...
Hong Kong: new book on why we blog
Blogclues points out to the readers that has published a book on “Why we blog?” The book is a introduction to blog and a collection of local blog posts.
Hong Kong and China: Days without internet and the world is not flat
Because of the earthquake in southern sea of Taiwan on 26 of December, 2006, two major internet cables in the Pacific Ocean have been broken (details see Andrew Lih). Hong...