Stories about China from May, 2020
Is China's ‘House of Cards’ in the Czech Republic beginning to wobble?
Public scepticism over Chinese influence campaigns and aggressive diplomacy is empowering anti-Beijing politicians.
Protests, police crackdowns return to Hong Kong as Beijing tightens grip
"This is the future of Hong Kong under National Security Law: No freedom of assembly and speech."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘You can go outside for two hours’
Someone asked me, "What is the first thing that you want to do after the lockdown is lifted?" I said, "I want to walk by the river and yell."
Uyghur human rights advocate Dilnur Reyhan laments lack of Muslim solidarity
Hatred against the West has blinded ordinary Muslim citizens to the point of refusing to believe news brought by the Western media, even when it concerns concentration camps for Muslims
‘One Country, Two Systems’ on the line as national security law looms over Hong Kong
"Our way of life may soon be circumscribed but we will find a way to survive and prosper through this."
Hong Kong reveals the city's agenda to construct an Orwellian ‘truth’
The release of a report on the police's use of force in protests seems to be "part of a wider set of coordinated announcements designed to deliver the new ‘truth’".
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘People cannot grieve freely for their relatives. How repressive!’
"After the storm, we will need to rebuild our lives like those blown-down buildings."
China to its anxious youth: ‘Believe us, things are better in your day!’
"We have to struggle for our rights, not sit and wait. Youth in China should yell out -- we want freedom of press!"
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘A person can survive the pandemic but not bullying, fear, and hatred’
People are asked to report their status to the grid controller and health code system everyday in exchange of mobility after the lifting of lockdown.
Hong Kong protesters make online game their new home during pandemic
Hong Kong's protesters are aching to take to the streets again. In the meantime, they are taking to their screens.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: What future after the pandemic?
"It is natural for us to feel lucky that we stayed alive. However, what about our society? Will it have more respect for human life and rights?"
Netizens from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand brew ‘Milk Tea Alliance’ against Chinese speech police
Stars who depend on China's lucrative market have to watch what they say. Ordinary netizens? Not so much.
China and Australia brawl over call for independent investigation of COVID-19 origins
'Australia is “gum stuck to the bottom of China’s shoe”, huh? Ok, well, it’s time for Australia to rethink trade and other agreements with China if they don’t like criticism'
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Surrounded by walls of glass
"Even if you are courageous you are surrounded by walls made of glass. You try smashing through them, but they are always there."