· May, 2011

Stories about China from May, 2011

China: Sex, nation and cultural traitors

  31 May 2011

Siweiluozi has written an excellent piece, in response to the State's interrogation of Li Tiantain's sex life, to discuss the formation of China as a nation through discourses about sex...

China: Detained Rights Lawyer Interrogated About Sex Life

  30 May 2011

After three months in detention, Chinese lawyer Li Tiantian described on Twitter how her interrogators used intimate details of her personal life to harass her. In the past months, more than a hundred human right lawyers, activists, writers and artists have been arrested or prosecuted in China as a result of the crackdown on the Jasmine protests.

China: Old Woman Performed Self-surgery

  27 May 2011

Jacky Huang from China Hush translates a local news story about an old woman self-performed a surgery by slitting her belly because she was unable to pay for hospital fee.

North Korea: Kim Jong Il in China

  24 May 2011

Adam Cathcart from Sinologistical Violoncellist blogs about various economic and political implications of Kim Jong Il's visit in China that might have been missed by western media.

China: Three Gorges Dam, A Time To Reflect

  23 May 2011

Through 17 years of construction until its completion in October 2008, China lauded the Three Gorges Dam as one of the engineering marvels of the world. At a State Council steering committee meeting on May 18, 2011, a statement was issued acknowledging serious flaws in the project.

China: “We Chinese”

  23 May 2011

Scott Brauer introduces a project, “We Chinese”, which aims to develop a portrait of the country by looking at the individual people that make it up.

Technology for Transparency: Final Report

  22 May 2011

The Technology for Transparency Network is proud to announce the release of its final report, "Global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability". The report is being published by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (@TAInitiative) along with a over a dozen other reports on the global transparency movement.

North Korea: News Resources

Adam Cathcart from Sinologistical Violoncellist has complied a list of North Korean news items on China, cultural diplomacy, US/Japan, Middle East, Environment, and etc. It helps to understand North Korea's...

China: Another Failed Grassroots Election

  17 May 2011

A retired worker from Jiangxi province, China, Liu Ping, had decided to run an economic justice campaign in the grassroots level election for her local seat in China's People's Congress. In the process, she and her supporters have been harassed by local police and on May 13, 2011, she was forcibly detained.

China: Shake the Country

  17 May 2011

Olivia from China Hush explains how the Forbidden City Palace Museum first lost their exhibited art pieces and then their face because of wrong spelling in their thank-you banner to...

About our China coverage

Oiwan Lam
Oi wan Lam is the North East Asia editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.