· January, 2010

Stories about China from January, 2010

China: War of Internet Addiction

  25 January 2010

DigiCha introduces an online video called “War of Internet Addiction” which a satire on the government’s attempt to “harmonize” China’s Internet with forced installations of “Green Dam Youth Escort” and...

China: No more dirty joke via SMS

  25 January 2010

According to last week's Xinhuanet report, Mobile China Shanghai branch will start suspending a mobile phone's SMS function if they find the number distribute “vulgar”, “pornographic” and other illegal contents(Details...

China’s Orwellian Future

  25 January 2010

John Chan (陳冠中), an author from Hong Kong who is currently living in Beijing, has written a novel entitled The Fat Years: China, 2013 (盛世 – 中國, 2013). The story...

Bhutan, China: Of Cyber And Border Wars

  22 January 2010

With quiet diplomacy and tact the tiny Himalayan state Bhutan took on giant China over encroachment and border issues recently. The Bhutanese officials and netizens are usually cautious to protest these issues with China, the powerful neighbor, but some netizens are voicing their dissent anonymously or under pseudonyms.

China: More Violence Over Salary Dispute

  19 January 2010

A migrant worker from Hebei was stabbed Jan. 9, resulting in the loss of a kidney, after requesting withheld salary from a subcontractor in Beijing, reports the Yangcheng Evening News.  The incident has been...

China: Twitter survey on a Google departure

  19 January 2010

As Chinese Internet users wait for Google's decision regarding the future of its operations in China, one netizen has begun surveying peers for their views on what Google should do and what the impact will be should the company decide to leave.

About our China coverage

Oiwan Lam
Oi wan Lam is the North East Asia editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.