Stories about China from May, 2009
Taiwan: Chinese tourist arrested for spying
A Chinese businessman, visiting Taiwan as a tourist, was arrested for taking photos of a military facility in Taipei. The Far-Eastern Sweet Potato discusses the security implications. The Foreigner in...
China: Police harassment
Joel Martinsen from DANWEI translated Ai Weiwei's blog posts on how he was harassed by security “rice streamers” (meaning stupid polices) and lawyer blogger Liu Xiaoyuan's article explaining Ai's rights....
China: Deng Yujiao Case Reporters Assaulted
ESWN translated local forum news reporting on the assault of Southern People Weekly magazine reporter Wei Yi when he tried to interview the maternal grandmother of Deng Yujiao – the...
Hong Kong: SC group censored June 4th special feature
Daisy, an editor from Esquire, a lifestyle magazine under South China media group in Hong Kong, disclosed in her blog that the top management banned the publication of 15 pages...
China: 2009 Chinese Internet Research Conference
The 2009 Chinese Internet Research Conference started yesterday (May 27) at the Annenberg School of Communications at the University of Pennsylvania. Ethan and Lokman have written their first day notes...
China: Chinese study abroad students not welcomed back
Some local netizens are criticizing students returning from abroad for bringing swine flu back home. Fauna from ChinaSMACK translated a conversation between students studying abroad and local netizens on the...
China: Interview with Michael Anti
Alice from DANWEI posted an interview with Michael Anti, a well-known blogger, on the issues related with journalism and new media.
Palestine: Israeli Armed Police Disrupt Literature Festival
The Palestine Festival of Literature is a traveling cultural roadshow touring across the West Bank, in Palestine, from May 23 to 28. The aim is to take literary activities to Palestinians, who aren't allowed to travel under the occupation. However, the opening was marred when armed Israeli police ordered the theatre where the event was hosted to shut down. Bloggers from around the world reacted to the incident.
China and Hong Kong: June 4th protest T-shirt design
Every year on the Sunday before the anniversary of June 4th Incident (Tiananmen Square, 1989), people in Hong Kong would demonstrate to call for justice. This year, the 20th anniversary...
China: Yingde Mass Incident
ESWN compared the official version and forum citizen report on the Yingde mass incident – a protest against government corruption and exploitation of overseas Chinese refugees from Vietnam who settled...
China: Should journalists be tried for bribery?
David Bandurski from China Media Project looked into into the trial of Fu Hua, a journalist, who was charged with bribery for accepting 5,000 yuan in exchange for a list...
China: New development on Deng Yujiao's murder case
A concern group has been formed in Beijing to give support to Deng Yujiao, a nail beautician who stabbed a government official when defending herself from sexual assault. Joe Martinsen...
China: Korea Former President’s Suicide, Chinese Reactions
Fauna from ChinaSMACK translated Chinese netizens’ reactions on the news of Korea former president's Roh Moo Hyun's sudden death.
China and Taiwan: Support democracy
David explains why Taiwanese should support democracy in China.
China: A turmoil triggered by T-shirt
Lawyer Liu Shihui's T-shirt, on which a quote is printed, seems to have the power to attract police and disturb the social order. Below is a partial translation of Liu's blog entry about his experience in Guangzhou.
China: Taobao is toxic and Alibaba has no antidote
BloggerInsight from CN Review translated Keso's comment on Alibaba's recent campaign on e-business. The blogger warned the university students to be cautious of the vicious cycle of purely price competition...
China: Sophie Beach from China Digital Times
Kai Pan from CNreviews interviewed Sophie Beach about the development of China Digital Times.
Taiwan: Minister encounters protest at WHA
Some Taiwanese students protested against the Taiwanese Health Minister Yeh Ching-chuan (葉金川) who is attending the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva. The students claimed he was selling out Taiwan...
China: Future school safety, but not the past
David Bandurski from China Media Project looked into the education ministry's recent project on “secondary and primary school safety” and noticed that there was no mention at all of the...
China: The democracy movement since 1989
During the last mother's Day weekend on May 10th, a number of intellectuals in Beijing organized a seminar discussing 20 years of the democracy movement in China. This is a...
Hong Kong: Donald Tsang, please die!
Last week, the public was outraged by the Chief Executive Donald Tsang‘s remark on June 4 Incident in the Legislative Council's policy address in May 13. When asked about his...