Stories about China from December, 2008
China: Young activist against eating cats
Fauna from ChinaSMACK picks up the story about a girl leading a campaign against eating cats in Guangdong. The blogger also translates comments from local forum.
China: Guarantee happiness
Joel Martinsen from DANWEI translated a local report on the government manipulation of a happiness survey in a local town so as to achieve the state targets for improving the...
Global Health: 2008 Blogs In Review
Bloggers in 2008 showed all the ways in which global health is interconnected with other issues, by covering health stories that touched on everything from poverty and women's rights to...
A Review of Global Voices in 2008
Nearly 3 million people visited Global Voices in 2008, and here are some of our most popular stories of the year.
Northeast Asia: 2008 Review
The northeast Asia region is becoming more integrated politically, economically and socially. State leaders from China, Japan and South Korea recently signed a Joint Statement for Tripartite Partnership to address...
Southeast Asia: Newsmakers of 2008
For Southeast Asia, 2008 was a year of terrible disasters, both natural and man-made. Rice consumption was reduced, milk products were contaminated with melamine, jobs were lost, bloggers were arrested, and homes were destroyed. But the situation is not hopeless.
China: Reflection of Charter 08
Uln from Chinayouren discusses on the impact of Charter 08 on future China political change.
Taiwan: Charter 08 and Taiwan
David on Formosa commented on Charter 08 along with quotes from Taiwan News and Financial Times. At the end he said: “In realising the dream of a free China lessons...
China: Interview with Bei Feng
Adam from DANWEI interviewed a famous blogger, Bei feng, who talks about new media space in China.
China: Interview with Journalism Professor
ESWN translated an interview with associate professor Hu Yong of Peking University, School of Journalism and Communication at Tianya forum.
Taiwan: Pandas arrive at Taipei Zoo
Two pandas arrived in Taiwan yesterday from China and are now in quarantine at Taipei Zoo. They will go on public display in late January. Michael Turton explains the pandas...
China: Why China’s Block of the New York Times Doesn’t Matter
Adam from Shanghai Scrap explained why China's block of the New York Times doesn't matter.
China: Interview with Anti-CNN founder
Jenny Leung interviewed the founder of, Qi Hanting. The interview is posted at China digital times.
China: Nationwide Teachers’ Strike
Since this October, teachers in Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong went on strike, demanding a salary raise. According to local media report, the strike started from Sichuan...
China: Mapping the hurt feelings of the Chinese people
Joel Martinsen from DANWEI creates a map for showing which are the countries involving in “hurting the feelings of the Chinese people”, a rhetoric frequently used by Chinese government.
China: Commissioner scrutinized by netizen detectives
Zhou, Commissioner of Housing Bureau in Nanjing, stopped developers from cutting down the real estate price, claiming it was for the sake of people. But rebukes never stop as what people expect is right the opposite. Netizen detectives set out to run after clues of corruption from past news reports and pictures, from which two crucial evidences show up: cigarettes and watches. They even find out that he has a brother who is exactly a developer.
China: Lugu Lake
Inside-Out China posts an article about the matriarchal tradition near the Lugu Lake.
China: Journalist Throws Shoe At Bush, Chinese Reactions
Ping from ChinaMACK translates a post from tianya that shows the forum users’ reactions towards the incident of Iraqi Journalist's protest against Bush by throwing shoes.
China: Top Ten Sex-Related Incidents
ESWN translated a local article form China economic net on 2008 Top Ten Sex-Related Incidents In China.
China: “08 Charter” Signers Arrested and Questioned by Police
Big Brother searching and questioning people involved in an collective appeal for democracy.
China: Charter 08, to be free and fearless
At the Eve of the sixtieth anniversary of the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Dec 10, 303 prominent intellectuals and human rights activists in China, jointly...