Stories about China from October, 2007
China: Facebook
Kenneth Tan from Shanghaiist reports on facebook's plan to enter China and sums up bloggers’ comments on the move.
China: Online Discussion Control
Josie Liu from China in Transition reports on the tightening up of online discussion control.
Japan: Chinese spectators boo Japanese team, arouse national debate
Ampontan discusses the booing of the Japanese national team by a crowd of Chinese spectators at the Women's World Cup. After losing the game, the Japanese team displayed a banner...
China: Province scraps Hukou system
Jeremy Goldkorn at Danwei with breaking news of southwestern Yunnan province's plans to abandon the hukou system, implemented in the 1950s, making it the first province in China to do...
China and Hong Kong: External Power's Video on Olympic
Moluiology links to a youtube cartoon on China and Olympic. The blogger said (zh): it is pretty clear that the video reflects foreigners’ impression on China. Of course it is...
China and Hong Kong: Netizens Criticize Arrogant CCTV Reporter
A CCTV reporter, Zhou Tao, had the company van scratched in a minor car accident in the Hong Kong airport. He called the police and the investigation took 4 hours....
China: Reconstruction of Yuan Ming Yuan
Wei yingjie from my1510 opposes the reconstruction of Yuan Ming Yuan, a royal garden built in Ching Dynasty and burned down by French and British colonial army in 1860. The...
Costa Rica: Arias in China
Cristian Cambronero of Fusil de Chispas [ES] writes about Costa Rica president Óscar Arias’ welcome during his recent visit to China.
China: Graffiti Found
Meckleychina found some graffiti in Shanghai Yangpu district. (via shanghaiist)
China and Japan: Clash over Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands
James from Japan Probe posts a video on a Chinese vessel attempted to reach Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands.
China and Hong Kong: Translation Politics
Many bloggers in Hong Kong pointed out that the criticism against Martin Lee's article in Wall street is a result of translation. An example given by erynnyes from Those were...
China and Japan: Japanese AV in Rural China
Japan AV girl, Nonami Takizawa, came to rural China for shooting adult video. The promotion clip is up at Todu, and netizens from China reacted strongly to the “pollution” bought...
China: Culture and Salary Standard
Xueyong argues that the extremely low salary standard in China is a result of the degrading morality (zh). The planned economy has cultivated a de-personalized morality that lacks basic sympathy...
China: Olympic Lie?
A video on the human rights condition in China with hot debate in the comment section.
China: Virtual Shanghai
Fons from China Herald introduces an internet resource on the history and development of Shanghai since mid 19th Century.
China: Buying South Africa Bank
Jay Sheng from Shanghaiist reports on the buying of South Africa’s Standard Bank Group Ltd by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC), a government owned commerical bank.
China: Rules of Olympic engagement
Leading Hong Kong Democrat Martin Lee calls for increased dialogue on China's human rights record as the Olympics approach and gets labeled a traitor, quite possibly due mainly to a mistranslation which some are saying is too large to have been an accident.
China: Romance with the Moon
Joel Martinsen from DANWEI has collected and translated various feelings, comments and observations from journalists about China moon travel. Han Song (one of the journalist blogger) has pointed to a...
China: Chinese Nominees for the BoBs
This year the Best of Blogs voting has started in Oct 22, 2007. You can cast your vote online for the best weblogs, videoblogs and podcasts. According to Deutsche Welle,...
China: Tiger! Tiger?
Zhou Zhenglong, a villager in Shaanxi shot pictures of a wild South China tiger, but its veracity was soon put under questions by netizens. As the government and experts joined in, the incident reached its climax, especially when both sides of this debate (fake or not)bet their heads. It evolved from a scientific issue to a “bloody farce of gambling of heads”, so called.
China: Official excess met with humor, scorn, death threats
Bloggers for some reason kept mostly or dead quiet about the 17th Party Congress while it was being held during the third week of this month, and now that it's...