· September, 2005

Stories about China from September, 2005

China: Graffiti ala mafioso

30 September 2005

Tian picks up on a photo from Flickr of an apparent advertisement by a recently released jailbird in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, who wants to join or set...

China: New Party school

30 September 2005

China Herald takes a look at the new Party school which opened in Shanghai in March 2005.

China: Shanghai streets

30 September 2005

Shanghai Sky posts a series of street-level photos on Flickr, including a portrait of the unsung heroes of China's eastern metropolis: the traffic cop's assistants.

China, Japan: Threat assessment

  29 September 2005

Angry Chinese Blogger analyses just how threatening a recent leaked Japanese government document on the military threat posed by China may be to Sino-Japanese relations.

China: Unofficial news reporting

29 September 2005

Xici Hutong posts unpublished field-notes from a Zhejiang-based Xinhua reporter regarding disciplinary action against a high-ranking Nanjing official, but the link leads now to an error message. However, ESWN has...

Hong Kong: Li Ao presser

  29 September 2005

ESWN translates part of the Hong Kong news conference given by Taiwan writer Li Ao, freshly arrived from his controversial speaking tour of the mainland, including the various ways in...

China: U.S. citizens expelled

29 September 2005

China Herald rounds up news coverage of the expulsion of Randy Guthrie and another U.S. citizen from China after both had served short jail terms for selling illegal DVDs.

China: Internet regs seen before

28 September 2005

Running Dog comments on the latest set of Internet guidelines to come out of Beijing, saying that the new rules are a re-hash of the old, and that China's ability...

Thailand: Music from Chaozhou

  28 September 2005

Thai-Blogs has a photo essay on the folk art of Teochew (Chiuchow/Chaozhou) opera, and backs it up with a little of the history of the ethnic Chinese who share that...

North Korea: Video of a beating

  27 September 2005

Oranckay posts still photos and links to an audio clip from a video of North Korean border guards apparently beating a female defector as she attempted to return home after...

China, Tibet: Unscheduled protest

27 September 2005

Angry Chinese Blogger goes into some detail about an incident during the recent visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao to New York, in which Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing was surrounded...

China: What the government fears

27 September 2005

RebeccaMacKinnon posts a well-linked and closely argued commentary on the main fear driving the new set of Chinese government regulations to control its citizens’ Internet use: the tech-savvy smart-mob.

China: Don't boycott Yahoo!

27 September 2005

Jeremy Goldkorn at Danwei argues that continued investment by companies like Yahoo! in China will continue to promote freedom of expression among its citizens. He accuses Yahoo!'s critics of pursuing...

China: Shanghai book swap

26 September 2005

Sinosplice organized an English-language book-swap in Shanghai at the weekend. Judged a success with a 10-person turnout, the event sadly lacked a participant from Hangzhou and the chance to acquire...

China: Rich-poor gap alert

26 September 2005

Corporate Social Responsiblity Asia notes that the gap between rich and poor in China has got to what officials in Beijing are calling the “yellow alert” level.

China: Guangdong sweatshops

23 September 2005

China Herald highlights Chinese media reports that the Guangdong provincial authorities have compiled a blacklist of 20 sweatshops which force workers into excessive unpaid overtime, underpay workers or use child...

Taiwan, China: Full text of Li Ao

  22 September 2005

EWSN posts a full-length English translation of the controversial speech by Taiwan writer Li Ao, and urges readers to make up their own minds, rather than relying on imperfect summaries...

China: WiFi in Shanghai

22 September 2005

Danwei scouts out the best spots for free WiFi Internet access in Shanghai, and provides a handy list.

China: Taishi village discussion removed

22 September 2005

EastSouthWestNorth reports that all mention of the Taishi village elections in the southern province of Guangdong has been expunged from the Yannan online discussion forum.

About our China coverage

Oiwan Lam
Oi wan Lam is the North East Asia editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.