Stories about China from April, 2005
Isaac Mao's take on the China protests
Isaac Mao believes theres not more to the anti-Japan protests than just government manipulation: Just in these two days, China gov tighten the control of internet to prevent from any...
Tagging for Chinese-Japanese dialogue.
USE THIS TAG: cn_jp_dialog We've had some Sino-Japanese-U.S. email exchanges going on to discuss the best way to foster a rational discussion on the latest Chinese-Japanese tensions. Eventually a group...
How can we promote Chinese-Japanese dialogue online?
Joi Ito has a thoughtful post responding to the anti-Japanese demonstrations in China. An excerpt: As a Japanese who has a great deal of sympathy and empathy for China, what...
Chinese Bloggers’ Reactions on Recent Anti-Japan Protest
Despite government restrictions, hundreds of blog posts were able to make their way through to the internet, providing a wide range of information and opinions on the Anti-Japanese protests that took place in Shanghai over the weekend. blocked
Isaac at the Harvard Global Voices gathering, photo by Jeff Ooi. As some of our readers have pointed out, Isaac Mao's site – – is being blocked. Isaac gives...
Isaac Mao's April Fools Joke
Isaac Mao describes his April Fools joke on the Chinese internet police.