Stories about Uzbekistan from January, 2008
Russia: Kasyanov and Invalid Signatures
Mark MacKinnon writes about Mikhail Kasyanov's failed attempt to run for president and provides “an incomplete list of the invalid signatures phenomenon in post-Soviet elections.”
Uzbekistan: Military Chief Goes to Tashkent
Nathan reacts to the fact that a top U.S. military commander made a stop in Tashkent and met with President Karimov and Uzbek defense officials.
Uzbekistan: Nadira's Story
Ben links to a few stories discussing Nadira Alieva’s new London theatre show, in which she recounts her life before and after she met ex-ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray.
Uzbekistan: No Refuge from the Cold
Nathan reports that Uzbeks are suffering from severe shortages of heat and natural gas. Winter gas shortages have been par for the course in Uzbekistan in recent years, but with...
Uzbekistan: Old New President Inaugurated
Libertad writes about the inauguration of a newly but in fact very “old” president of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, noting that during the ceremony Karimov was reading the sacred oath without...
Uzbekistan: Labor Migrants
Libertad writes about the problems Uzbek migrant workers face while working in foreign countries, refers to a report by an NGO on migrant workers and uploads photos of migrant labor...
Uzbekistan: Tesco Ban Uzbek Cotton
Craig Murray says that Tesco, a large British retail group, have banned Uzbek cotton from all products sold in their stores and instituted supply chain audits to ensure this is...
Russia: Xenophobia Blogging
There seems to be more and more posts on xenophobia in the Russian blogosphere. Many are written by xenophobes, while some are written about them. Below are two recent examples of xenophobia blogging.
Uzbekistan: Rumors of a Sickly President
Nathan says that the rumors about Uzbekistan President Karimov being seriously ill have got new rebirth lately. The source, opposition-in-exile-leader Muhammad Solih says Karimov will soon head to Germany for...
Uzbekistan: Karimov Commits Election Fraud
Joshua Foust says that the election in Uzbekistan was fraudulent, because incumbet Islam Karimov won a solid 88% of the vote due to multiple voting.
Uzbekistan: Earthquake Shakes Ferghana
Jamiyat reports on the earthquake that had come half an hour before the New Year. It was felt through the Eastern Uzbekistan with the epicenter in Namangan region of the...
Uzbekistan: Silly promises or fiction?
Mansurhon reacts to the President Karimov's message to the people of Uzbekistan at New Year night. He addresses the major points of the presidential speech, concluding that “he doesn't believe...