· November, 2009

Stories about Afghanistan from November, 2009

Afghanistan: US opens new prison

  23 November 2009

Nick Fielding reports that the US military unveiled a new $60 million prison at Bagram airbase, north of the Afghanistan capital Kabul, saying it would provide detainees with better conditions...

Afghanistan: Counting the cost of war

  23 November 2009

Nick Fielding reviews “The Cost of War: Afghan Experiences of Conflict 1978-2009″, a report by nine NGOs working in Afghanistan analyzing 30 years of war and a devastating impact they...

Afghanistan: UK tends to quit

  23 November 2009

Dafydd talks about the slump of the Afghan campaign's popularity among the British public, media and officials – ahead of upcoming elections in the United Kingdom.

Afghanistan: Corruption, corruption

  23 November 2009

Peter Marton reacts to the news that the US could start holding Afghanistan’s government accountable for corruption by withholding money for projects, and says that corruption in this country often...

Egypt: Nidal Hassan – Psychiatrist or Psychotic?

  14 November 2009

Major Nidal Hassan is the US military psychiatrist of Arab origins who went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in Texas, killing 13 people. He is now facing charges of premeditated murder. "Psychiatrist or Psychotic?", ask Egyptian bloggers.