Stories about Afghanistan from October, 2009
Afghanistan: Who will benefit from re-vote?
Nick Fielding assumes that no-one except the insurgents would benefit from the re-run of presidential elections, because the whole election process is now mired by corruption allegations.
Iraq: What Peace from Obama?
Iraqi Layla Anwar sums up reactions from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan on Obama's Nobel Prize for Peace.
Egypt: No Accolades for Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
Egyptian bloggers and Twitter users welcomed US President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize with shock and surprise: How can the president of a country waging wars against far away countries win a peace prize? Tarek Amr has more in this round up of reactions from Egypt.
Afghanistan: Jordanian royals fighting in Afghanistan?
Nick Fielding tells about a curious news in the Pakistan newspapers, which say that six women, all members of the Jordanian royal family, are due to be handed over to...
Afghanistan: Kamdesh Area
Joshua Fousts comments on the news that eight American and an unknown number of Afghan soldiers were killed after an attack on outposts in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: Conflicted Response
Captain Cat is conflicted over the dispute within UNAMA: she thinks they do good work, but their acceptance of the fraudulent election is ruining their credibility.
Afghanistan: Reflecting on the Battle of Kamdesh
The large scale assault on a U.S. base in Nuristan over the weekend has caused many bloggers familiar with Afghanistan to reconsider how they feel about the conflict.
Israel: Hacking Ahmedinejad's Gmail Account– With Screenshot
Israellycool and Israel at Ground Level display a hacked screenshot of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Gmail account. Correspondents include Osama Bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Il, and...