Stories about Afghanistan from April, 2007
Afghanistan: Fourth Estate in the Balance
Safrang reports that Afghanistan's parliament is debating a bill that would further erode the diminishing freedom that Afghanistan's media enjoys.
Afghanistan: Pre-Taliban Anarchy?
Afghanistanica argues that the idea that anarchy prevailed in pre-Taliban Afgahnistan is a myth.
Afghanistan: Finally a Census
Safrang is happy that a census will finally be conducted in Afghanistan and says that it should have been done a while ago.
Afghanistan: Taliban Electioneering in France
Safrang reports on the Taliban's efforts to influence the outcome of France's presidential election.
Afghanistan: Media Under Pressure
Afghan Lord discusses the live broadcast beating and arrest of three reporters at a television station by police under orders from Afghanistan's Attorney General, saying that such abuses of power...
Afghanistan: Buzkashi in the Panjsher Valley
Kabul Diary reports on a visit to Afghanistan's Panjsher Valley to see a game of the traditional Central Asian game of buzkashi.
Afghanistan: Fallout from Ajmal Naqshbandi's Death
Safrang analyzes the ways in which the government of Afghanistan is and is not responsible for the death of Ajmal Naqshbandi.
Afghanistan: Soldiers in Video
Afghanistanica discusses how soldiers on both sides of the current and earlier Soviet-mujahideen fighting are depicted in video commemorations.
Afghanistan: French Following Suit?
Safrang says that France has little choice but to make some kind of bargain to secure the release of two French aid workers and three of their Afghan colleagues who...
Afghanistan: The Other Side
Afghanistanica writes about the other side of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: Improving the Army
Afghan Warrior notes that re-enlistments in the Afghan National Army are very low, and says that the government should increase pay, replace old equipment, and provide housing for Afghanistan's troops.