Stories about Afghanistan from February, 2007
Afghanistan: Heroes and Warlords
Afghanistanica, a new blog covering Afghanistan, looks at the role of public relations strategies in Ahmed Shah Masood being remembered as a hero and Rashid Dostum being considered a warlord....
Kazakhstan: Afghanistan Veteran
neweurasia posts a fascinatin interview with a veteran of the Soviet war in Afghanistan.
Kazakhstan, the Soviet: “Stalinkas” and “Khrushchevkas”, Afghanistan and the Red Army Holiday
Save the Houses Photo by Adam Kesher Blogger Adam Kesher is displeased: the “Stalin's” house next to his own is going to be replaced by a new fancy building. These...
Afghanistan: Eradication
Joshua Foust says it is a bad sign for drug eradication efforts in Afghanistan that the US is sending its former ambassador to Colombia to head its Kabul embassy.
Afghan Whispers:National Reconcilation and Ashura
Askar Gu Raiz talks about national reconcilation in country.The blogger writes I believe the mere debate around the hostilities of the past three decades, and the indirect confession that parties...
Afghanistan: Aid Failures
Joshua Foust takes a look at problems with the aid given to Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: Dog Fighting
Kabul Diary reports from the scene of an extremely popular sport in Afghanistan, dog fighting.