Stories about Afghanistan from October, 2006
Afghanistan-Tajikistan: Crossing Over
Sanjar Qiam writes about crossing over from Afghanistan to Tajikistan.
Video exposes child-soldier's identity
If you've seen the guidelines for this site, you'll know that there are types of footage that we wouldn't post, and circumstances surrounding the shooting of particular videos that mean...
Afghanistan: Getting There
The latest edition of “Ask Carpetbogger” informs readers on how one gets to Afghanistan. As an added bonus, there's a post on buying carpets in Kabul that also discusses the...
Afghanistan: Pakistan & Security
Afghan Warrior says that Pakistan must do more to control its territory so that the security situation in Afghanistan can improve.
US secret detentions: from hotel room to squalid prison cell
When President George W. Bush confirmed in a speech last month that the CIA has been operating a programme of secret detentions on foreign territory, it was portrayed by the...