Stories about Trinidad & Tobago from April, 2020
Trinidadian Tony Hall, visionary of ‘play and performance’, leaves behind a precious legacy
In a career that spanned five decades — in his words, “play and performance in space, street, stage and screen” — nothing Hall ever worked on was short of original ideas.
Trinidad & Tobago photographers commemorate Earth Day 2020 with online challenge
"We're trying to keep the topics upbeat in order to keep people focused, and steer everyone's mental state in a positive direction while practising social distancing."
Life in the time of COVID-19: A Caribbean perspective on isolation
From a COVID-19 survivor to a teenager with autism, here's how some Caribbean netizens are coping with self-isolation.
Caribbean netizens take to ‘extempo’ music to spread COVID-19 safety messages
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, people from all over the region and throughout the diaspora are trying their lyrical prowess in a COVID-19 extempo challenge.
COVID-19 exacerbates inequalities in Trinidad & Tobago's education system
"The [Ministry of Education] was utterly tone-deaf and did not effectively address my concerns."
Stay-at-home orders accompanied by rise in domestic violence in Trinidad & Tobago
Once the government announced stay-at-home measures for everyone but members of “essential services”, the police service prepared itself for a rise in reports of domestic abuse.
Caribbean cooking in the time of COVID-19
"Make whatever your comfort food is and know that if we all sacrifice for a few weeks for the greater good, we will help stop the spread of this virus."
April Fool’s Day, COVID-19 and Trinidad and Tobago’s ‘recalcitrant minority’
Who would ever have predicted that a speech made on April 1, 1958, would reverberate in April 1, 2020 through a speech made by another leader in the same political party?