· June, 2006

Stories about Trinidad & Tobago from June, 2006

Trinidad & Tobago: Rewarding the Warriors

  26 June 2006

Jeremy Taylor at the Caribbean Beat Blog outlines the rewards heaped this past weekend upon the Soca Warriors, Trinidad & Tobago's football team, on their return from the World Cup....

Trinidad & Tobago: 48 hours after

  22 June 2006

“There's a sense of unfinished business around Trinidad and Tobago today,” says Jeremy Taylor, summing up the atmosphere in the country 48 hours after the Trinidad & Tobago team failed...

Trinidad & Tobago: Labour Day

  20 June 2006

Attillah Springer checks out the Labour Day festivities in Trinidad on June 20, and observes that “the labour leaders seem stuck in a 1930's groove, they speak with a microwaved...

Caribbean: BLP role in CSME

  19 June 2006

The Barbados Labour Party blog gives its political leader — and Prime Minister of Barbados — Owen Arthur a pat on the back for the role he has played in...

Haiti: Telecom Wars

  18 June 2006

Digicel billboard, Martinique. By blogger Greg at InternetRapide.com. Jamaica-based Caribbean telecom giant Digicel has a presence in over a dozen countries in the region. Digicel officially launched operations on the...

Trinidad & Tobago: Coming home

  16 June 2006

Club Soda and Salt responds to fellow Trinidadian blogger Seldo's post about returning home: “I’d like to raise a family there. I’d like to not have to deal with snow....

Trinidad & Tobago: Please stand. . .

  13 June 2006

Echoing the request traditionally given before the national anthem is played, Elspeth Duncan gives the latest video entry on her blog the title “Please Stand. . . . for something”....

The Global Voices Show #2

Episode #2 of the Global Voices Show has landed! In this edition we feature excerpts from the following podcasts: XiaoQiao (Singapore) Africa Files: The Pulse (Canada/South Africa) BahasaPod (Indonesia) Kazakhstan...

Trinidad and Tobago: World Cup fever

  9 June 2006

“Up at the airport, the roundabout is festooned with flags and twenty-foot mascots playing steel pans and guitars. I followed a taxi into the car park, and it had I...

Caribbean: Hurricane unpreparedness?

  9 June 2006

As hurricane season begins, Taran Rampersad worries that “the Caribbean in general can't handle a Category 3 hurricane. All everyone is discussing at this point is how fast one can...