Stories about Jamaica from December, 2022
The year in review: What the Caribbean looked like in 2022
The stories the Global Voices Caribbean team covered this year saw a stronger leaning towards pressing concerns like the environment and crime.
The Dutch state apologises for slavery, and the Caribbean wonders: Will reparations follow?
The Caribbean’s response to the Dutch apology was mixed — positive in some respects, guarded or even dismissive in others.
Did 2022 see the Caribbean become more ‘gay-friendly'?
While Barbados is the latest regional territory to deem its "buggery" laws unconstitutional, there has been some confusion — and even legal reversals — over LGBTQ+ rights in other Caribbean nations.
How is the Caribbean faring on International Anti-Corruption Day?
Over the coming year, organisers plan to reflect on the anti-corruption strides the UN Convention has helped facilitate, and examine which gaps still remain in this seemingly ongoing battle.