Stories about Bahamas from June, 2011
Bahamas: Elections, Then & Now
Blogworld hearkens back to the country's 1977 elections to make the point “that the elections coming up have every chance of being equally memorable — not necessarily in the same...
Bahamas: On Fixing the Education System
“When a process in the market fails to provide the results people want, they scream for government intervention, yet when a government service fails, people call for more government”: Rick...
Bahamas: Transformation of Nassau
Bahama Pundit‘s Larry Smith blogs about “three interesting environmental projects..that could have a big impact on our landscapes and lifestyles – at the eastern, western and southern extremities of Nassau.”
Bahamas: The Foreign Vote
BLOGWORLD responds to an article which suggests that there are plans afoot to allow foreigners the right to vote in Bahamian Parliamentary Elections: “It’s not that I’m against the ideas...
Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago: Feminism & Activism
Womanish Words congratulates Trinidadian Simona Lee, “creator of the blog ‘Women Speak: Women Tell Their Stories of Discrimination,’ for being chosen to receive a 2011 Internet Activist BlogHer Scholarship.”
Bahamas: Advice for Election Season
As the Bahamas “prepare[s]…for silly season”, Rick Lowe turns to the wise words of a Nobel laureate and hopes that “the political class will listen.”
Bahamas: Legalize It?
Blogworld sees some merit in the recommendation to legalize certain drugs.
Bahamas: Beyond Naipaul
In response to Nobel laureate V.S. Naipaul's comment to a British journalist that he considers no female writer his equal, Womanish Words writes: “We do not wish to be equal...
Jamaica, Bahamas: Wikileaks Revelations
Jamaican and Bahamian bloggers weigh in on Wikileaks cables about their respective countries.
Bahamas: Which Path to Economic Success?
“Bahamians can become successful in a growing economy but to think we can get along by trading within our borders only, rather than the outside world is a pipe dream”:...