Stories about Caribbean from May, 2012
Cuba: Bloggers Discuss Mariela Castro's US Visit
On the heels of United States President Barack Obama's support for gay marriage, Mariela Castro, the daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro and Director of the country's Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (National Center for Sex Education), has been addressing gay rights activists during her tour of the United States. Her trip has been stirring up some controversy in the Cuban blogosphere.
Trinidad & Tobago: What Have We Accomplished?
Coffeewallah suggests that when it comes to how the country is governed, “perhaps we need less public holidays, less ‘celebrations’ and more concentrated effort.”
Cuba: The State of Human Rights
The recent request for information by the United Nations‘ Committee Against Torture with regard to alleged abuses in Cuba has got bloggers talking about the human rights situation on the island.
Jamaica: Re-introducing Calabash Litfest
Two Jamaican litbloggers are thrilled that the Calabash Literary Festival is back!
Trinidad & Tobago: Same Sex Issues
Globewriter comments on a Senate debate about a clause of the Children's Bill “involving a clause that includes buggery”; B.C. Pires adds: “The People’s Partnership of UNC [United National Congress]...
Trinidad & Tobago: Government Partnership a Leaky Ship?
A handful of Trinidadian bloggers seem disillusioned with the People's Partnership government and are being rather vocal about their reasons - especially in light of the country's upcoming 50th anniversary of Independence.
Cuba: “Mob” Attack Linked to Heart Attack?
Further to this, babalu reports that another elderly lady “suffered a fatal heart attack after her home was violently attacked by a paramilitary mob.”
Barbados: The Jaws of Justice
“Bajans deserve the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth. It is not enough for the Court of Appeal or the news media to gloss over this story”:...
Cuba: Diaspora Bloggers Blame “Aggressive Acts” in Grandmother's Death
Two Cuban diaspora blogs are talking about the death of a senior citizen that took place in the region of Santa Clara this past weekend. Despite the fact that the woman was in her nineties, bloggers are speculating that the elderly woman's fatal stroke may have been brought on by “violent acts of repudiation”.
Trinidad & Tobago: Film Strategy
Mark Lyndersay blogs about some of the issues facing the local film industry, here.
Guadeloupe: “Political Manipulation”
In a post entitled “On Kalkil Politik” [Cr], Guadeloupean blogger Gwakafwika explains his complete distrust in the recent appointment of 1 Guianese and 2 Guadeloupean-born Ministers in the new socialist...
Haiti: Haitian Flag Day
Haitians all over the world recently celebrated the 209th Haitian Flag Day along with the country's educational system. Martinican blogger at Bel Balawou publishes a stream of pictures [Fr], taken...
French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique: Ministers Appointed for Skills or as Tokens?
With a great majority of voters for candidate Hollande in the French presidential elections hailing from the overseas regions, French-Caribbean bloggers were impatient to see which French Guyanese, Martinican or Guadeloupean politicians would be assigned a key government ministry.
Bahamas: Bringing Balance to the “Corruption Narrative”
An interesting read on the Bahamas “Corruption Narrative”, here.
Trinidad & Tobago: Laws for LGBT Too
Globewriter applauds the contribution of Senator Corinne Baptiste-McKnight “in response to a Clause in the Children Bill that criminalized same sex intimacy among youth”, saying: “Give that woman an award!”
Barbados, Cuba: Prisoner's Rights
“Raul is clearly going to be a thorn in the flesh of any government in power unless passage can be found for him somewhere”: Barbados Free Press expresses concern for...
Barbados: Literary “Giants”
For BC Pires, the highlight of the launch of the inaugural Bim Literary Festival wasn't the speeches or cultural presentations but the greeting of two “literary giants.”
Bermuda: Austerity Reasons
Two Bermudian blogs discuss government austerity measures, here and here.
Caribbean: Supporting Our Mothers
Mother's Day, celebrated this past weekend all across the Caribbean, was a hot topic of discussion with regional bloggers - or rather, mothers were. From posts of admiration and thanks to accounts of how women regularly defy oppression, it was a mixed bag, but one that mothers everywhere would have been happy to sample from…
Cuba: Dissident Ferrer Garcia Re-Released
Havana Times reports that dissident Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia was released by authorities late last week “after being held for more than 24 hours without his whereabouts being made known.”
Guyana: Creator of “Cuffie” Statue Dies
Demerara Waves acknowledges the passing of “internationally acclaimed artist and sculptor, Philip Moore”, who was perhaps best known for sculpting the 1763 Monument, a tribute to Cuffy, a former slave...