· January, 2011

Stories about Caribbean from January, 2011

Jamaica: Leah & Dog Paw

  31 January 2011

“Will she herald a new kind of representational politics since she has personally breached not only the uptown/downtown divide but also the legit/illegit one by literally commingling with a Don?”:...

Haiti: Candidates on Twitter

  28 January 2011

“With a measly 199 followers, @Judecelestin10's campaign seems to have underestimated Twitter as a communications tool”: kiskeacity looks at the popularity of Haitian political candidates on Twitter.

Jamaica, Cuba: Bye Bye, BBC

  27 January 2011

Cambios en Cuba [ES] and Jamaica Salt both note with sadness the BBC's decision to cut parts of its Caribbean service in a bid to save money: “The expertise and...

Jamaica: “Dog-Paw”

  27 January 2011

“The cliche that truth is stranger than fiction is true”: Active Voice interviews the author of Dog-Heart about parallels with the story of Christopher ‘Dog Paw’ Linton, who was recently...

Jamaica: Wikileaks & “Dudus”

  27 January 2011

Jamaica Salt says that Wikileaks only confirmed what people already knew about the Christopher “Dudus” Coke extradition, which “pretty much makes this whole Jamaican govt enquiry completely redundant (at a...

Bahamas, D.R.: Fish Poaching

  26 January 2011

Bahama Pundit‘s Larry Smith notes that “a recent report…has confirmed that poaching by commercial fishermen from the Dominican Republic is the greatest single threat to Bahamian seafood resources.”

Trinidad & Tobago: Independent Mas

  26 January 2011

Alice Yard blog is excited about Coalition, the 2011 independent mas band offering which “will provide potential masqueraders with a variety of design components they can use to decorate their...

Guyana: “real” men

  24 January 2011

The Signifyin’ Woman contemplates Caribbean homophobia and notions of what it means to be a “real” man vs an “anti” man.

Bahamas: economic “Bahamianisation”?

  24 January 2011

Rick Lowe of Weblog Bahamas responds to those who argue that “all economic activity” in the Bahamas should be “reserved exclusively for Bahamians” by pointing to a 2003 paper on...

About our Caribbean coverage

Janine Mendes-Franco
Janine Mendes Franco is the Caribbean editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.