· June, 2007

Stories about Caribbean from June, 2007

Haiti: Laid-off Teleco Haiti workers compensated

  30 June 2007

Collectif-Haiti-de-Provence writes about Haitian president Rene Preval's decision to compensate workers (Fr) who were illegally laid off from the state-owned telecom, Teleco Haiti. The government plans on privatizing Teleco, a...

Guyana: Carbon Credits

  29 June 2007

“The tee vee does keep me company while I embroider, but if I switch it off and listen to them voices in me head instead, I can get credits for...

Grenada: Three of “13” Set Free

  29 June 2007

Notes From The Margin is appalled that three of the Grenada 13 who executed former Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and members of his Cabinet in 1983 have been set free.

Bahamas: Planning for New Providence

  29 June 2007

Population growth, limited road capacity and potential hurricane threats make it critical for the Bahamas to think about urban planning. Larry Smith at Bahama Pundit explains.

Bahamas: Crime and Punishment

  28 June 2007

Sidney Sweeting at WeblogBahamas.com is astonished at the lenient sentence imposed in the disturbing case of sexual abuse of a six-year-old girl: “If the Attorney General is successful in changing...

Bahamas: Reinventing our Image

  28 June 2007

“People are people, and fundamentally people are all the same. The differences are superficial; underneath, we are more alike than we think.” Nicolette Bethel calls for a reinvention of “the...

Anguilla: Slave Labour?

  28 June 2007

As imported Indian labourers marched against unfair wages on a high-profile resort project, Corruption-free Anguilla writes: “Our government has lost its way. It was the compassion of the ordinary Anguillian...

Jamaica: Engaged Employees

  27 June 2007

Chronicles from a Caribbean Cubicle links to research which finds a connection between engaged employees and increased competitiveness: “Interesting, especially given my estimate that some 60-80% of Caribbean employees are...

Jamaica: Personal Space

  27 June 2007

“From the beginning of slavery, there has been a war fought over black bodies and black space and because we have been victims in the past, we have conceded our...

Jamaica: Hurting for WI Cricket

  26 June 2007

The West Indies Cricket Blog links to Jamaican sports journalist Tony Becca's piece on why it hurts so much to talk about West Indies Cricket.

About our Caribbean coverage

Janine Mendes-Franco
Janine Mendes Franco is the Caribbean editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.