· March, 2012

Stories about Weblog from March, 2012

Bolivia: The Wandering Hands of the Santa Cruz Mayor

  31 March 2012

Santa Cruz Mayor Percy Fernández is in hot water because of his apparent inappropriate touching of city council member Desirée Bravo, which was caught on tape by the media during a public event. The behavior may be a repeated pattern of bizarre actions by the controversial mayor.

Zambia: Can Barotseland ‘Seccession’ Hold?

  31 March 2012

South Sudan may hold the record as the newest nation in the world but this may no longer hold if the developing situation in Zambia in which advocates of an independent Barotseland, better known as Western Province, force matters and secede from the rest of the country. Zambian netizens weigh in on latest developments.

South Asia: Every Day Is Earth Hour for Us

  31 March 2012

Today many countries of the world are observing Earth Hour, an event to make people aware of the climate change by turning off their non-essential lights for one hour. Millions of people in South Asia have no access to electricity and the demand of electricity is much bigger than supply.

Human Rights Mapping in Cambodia

  31 March 2012

Human rights advocates in Cambodia have been using online maps to document, monitor, and expose human rights violations across the country. Some of the maps track land conflicts, media killings, freedom of expression violations, and prison overcrowding

India, Bangladesh: Caught In The Cyber War

  31 March 2012

A cyber war between Bangladesh and India broke out last month as Bangladeshi hackers defaced Indian border security Force's website in protest of the recent border killings by BSF. Indian hacker groups retaliated by defacing Bangladesh government ministry websites and a cyber war followed.

Bahrain: Tweeting Against Formula 1

  31 March 2012

As Bahrain gears up to host the Grand Prix, from April 20 to 22, netizens are rallying for the cancellation of the car race claiming that human rights violations are still continuing against protesters seeking more democratic rights in the Arab country. Mona Kareem sheds light on one Twitter campaign to draw attention to this.

Spain: General Strike Across Cities and Neighborhoods

  30 March 2012

Hundreds of people took the streets around cities and neighborhoods in Spain yesterday to participate in a general strike (29M) to protest against proposed government cuts to indispensable social services. March 29 became a new important date in the movements' agenda.

Kuwait: Call to Kill the “Infidel” Twitter User

  30 March 2012

A Kuwaiti Twitter user has been detained, pending investigation, over a tweet in which he allegedly insulted Prophet Mohammed. The issue is taking a sectarian twist in Kuwait as the Twitter user Hamad Al-Naqi denies the charges, claiming that his account was hacked, while others charge that it is a Shiite attack on Sunni Islam. Meanwhile, a protest was held calling for the Twitter user to be killed for his alleged blasphemy.

Brazil: Irregularities Denounced in the Council of Representatives of Emigrants

  30 March 2012

Founded at the end of 2012, the Conselho de Representantes de Brasileiros no Exterior [Council of Representatives of Brazilians Abroad], or the CRBE, linked to the Ministry of External Affairs, has provoked the indignation of expatriate Brazilians owing to allegations of irregularities in the election process for its representatives.

Guinea-Bissau: Constitutional Limits on the Presidential Elections

  30 March 2012

Claims of widespread fraud during the presidential elections in Guinea Bissau, on 18 March, allows for the possibility that the April ballot will take place with a single candidate – Carlos Gomes Jr. His concurrent Kumba Ialá, refuses to participate in the second round, and the Constitution doesn't allow the replacement of candidates.

Ghana: Social Media Use in 2012 General Eelections

  30 March 2012

As Ghanaians are getting ready for presidential and parliamentary elections that will be held on 7 December 2012, BloggingGhana community has lauched a social media initiative that seeks to train activists, political groups and students to use social media tools for election monitoring and reporting.

This Week in the Caribbean Blogosphere

  29 March 2012

Again this week, the regional blogosphere was dominated by talk of Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Cuba. With reports of repression at an all-time high, Cuban bloggers were dismayed by the outcome of the trip.