· February, 2010

Stories about Weblog from February, 2010

Japan: Blogging from a locked room

  28 February 2010

What if you found yourself trapped in a room of your house with the door lock broken and few tools with you? This is what happened to Fumiko Fumio. Equipped...

Chile: Tsunami Scare on Easter Island

  28 February 2010

The Chilean territory of Easter Island is located 3500 km from the continental mainland. After the February 27 earthquake struck, the island was under a tsunami warning and where local residents and tourists used Twitter to inform about the situation.

Global: The Tiger's Year And Tiger Farming

  28 February 2010

Wildlife activists and organizations around the world are determined to make sure that this is really “The year of the Tiger”. They have seized this opportunity to step up their activities and bring global attention to this majestic, yet severely endangered species in the ever diminishing animal kingdom.

Video: Chile Earthquake through Citizen's Eyes

  28 February 2010

As the day comes to a close, more videos crop up of the devastating 8.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Chile at 3:30 am. The earthquake, which not only affected the mainland through the ground movements, also generated tsunami waves that set out an alarm throughout the Pacific as different nations prepared for the waves to hit their shores.

Chile: The Legacy of the 1960 Earthquake in Valdivia

  28 February 2010

Fifty years ago, the strongest earthquake ever recorded in history rocked the city of Valdivia, Chile. The legacy that the earthquake has had on Chile's history was on the minds of many around the country, including many Twitter users in that city.

Morocco: Maghreb Bloggers Search for Common Ground

  27 February 2010

A three-day workshop for bloggers from Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco was held from 15 to 17 February 2010 in the Moroccan capital Rabat. Participating bloggers reported and live-tweeted the event. They shared their blogging experiences, engaged in lively debates openly confronting their views on contentious issues and were encouraged to reflect on ways to find grounds for mutual understanding.

Hungary: Students Have Had Enough of Bomb Alerts

  27 February 2010

There have been three bomb alerts in the three weeks of the second semester at Corvinus University of Budapest. After the third one this week, students started to campaign against the unknown person blocking the university's life with calls reporting a bomb was placed somewhere on campus.

Ghanaian students contribute to virtual media library

  26 February 2010

We are interviewing Jonathan Thurston who carried out a book-making project with students in Elmina, in the Central Region of Ghana using simple, portable technology to inspire creativity and social media tools to network with like-minded individuals and organisations.