Stories about Video from March, 2017
What Role Did Brazilian Mainstream Media Play in the Murder of a Teenage Girl? This Filmmaker Wants to Know.
"Eloá’s story is the story of many Brazilians. Brazil is the fifth country in the world in terms of the number of women killed..."
Uganda's Assistant Inspector General Is the Third Government Official Murdered in As Many Years
After a high ranking police officer is gunned down, Uganda's president has called for the country's police force to be cleaned up, saying it has been "infiltrated by thugs".
The Amazing, Endearing PSAs of the Belarusian Ministry of Emergencies
The Belarusian ministry in charge of managing disasters and national emergencies has produced a cartoon show. The series features animals in Looney-Toons-style misadventures, and teaches children how to stay safe.
Frustrated by US Anti-Ballistic Missile System, China Punishes Korean Retailer Lotte
"Which is more destructive, South Korea's THAAD or North Korea's nuclear bomb? North Korea has VX nerve agent and nuclear bombs, aren't these more threatening?"
More Than a Century Later, Ethiopians Are Still Debating Their Victory Against Italian Colonialism
The Battle of Adwa is part of the foundation of Ethiopian history, and that significance to the country's national identity also makes it one of the country's most contested memories.