Stories about Video from March, 2014
The ‘Woman Who Was Dragged’ and Killed by Brazil's Military Police
Claudia Silva Ferreira was shot during a military police operation in a Rio de Janeiro slum, then dragged along the road behind their car as they drove to the hospital.
GV Face: How to Make Videos for Advocacy and Change with Witness and Rising Voices
Are you using video to make your campaign a reality? Are you telling stories with cameras - or your phone? Then you need to watch this GV Face!
How Police Have Turned Rio de Janeiro's Maré Favela Into a Battlefield
Thirteen residents of Maré, the largest favela complex in Rio de Janeiro, died during a police operation there in June 2013.
Thrive Show: On Living Well With Chronic Illness
Bedridden with a chronic illness called myalgic encephalomyelitis, online media virtuoso Jen Brea is launching a new interactive video series using Google Hangout called Thrive Show on how to live...
Ebola Virus Outbreak Kills 59 in Guinea, Closes in on Conakry
An Ebola outbreak killed at least 59 people in Guinea and a few suspected cases near the Capital Conakry suggest that it may have spread to the Guinean capital. Barbara...
5 Small Businesses Run By Rural Uruguayan Women
Rural Uruguayan women have created successful self-managed small businesses with which they support their families and bring novel and high-quality products to the local market.
Video: Egyptian Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah Released on Bail
Celebrations continue as prominent Egyptian blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah is released from jail. In his first tweet after his release, the activist vows to "continue" the struggle.
“Happy” Video Exposes the Other Side of Rio de Janeiro
Inspired by the “worldwide contagious happiness” that was sparked by Pharrell Williams’ viral music video “Happy“, as can be seen in hundreds of dancing videos from around the world, Brazilian group of video-makers Jeitinho...
Macedonian Students Demanding Better Living Conditions Called ‘Unpatriotic’
While most have supported Macedonian university students' online campaign to raise awareness about the unlivable conditions of dormitories in Skopje, one columnist called their efforts "unpatriotic".
Haitian-American Filmmakers’ Web Series Invites Women to Live, Laugh, Love (Part 1)
Haitian-born, U.S.-based director Francesca Andre has a new web series in the making, which has a lot to say about young women making their way in today's world.
The ‘Happy’ Videos of Middle East and North Africa
From Lebanon to Morocco, passing by Jordan, Israel, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tunis, and Algeria, it seems like the MENA region is filled with people willing to just be happy and dance.
Algerian Opposition TV Network Shuttered Ahead of Presidential Elections
Independent television network Al-Atlas TV, known for broadcasting Algerian opposition viewpoints without any restriction or censorship, was shut down by Algerian authorities on March 11.
GV Face: Happy 25th Birthday, Web!
What's the difference between the Internet and the Web? Why is an open web so important? An all-star panel of techies and rights defenders talks it out on GV Face.
Iran: Deceased Blogger's Mother Erased Out of News Photo
The European Union foreign policy chief caused furore in Iran when she met with human rights activists and a deceased blogger's mother at the Austrian Embassy in Tehran.
The Land of Fires, Italy's “Gateway to Hell”
For years the land between Naples and Caserta has been used for the illegal dumping of dangerous waste products that are poisoning the environment and causing tumours.
Mexican Government Censors Website That Documents Human Rights Abuses
The closing of a website that denounces human rights abuses has revealed an alleged censorship collaboration between the Mexican and US governments.
Fathers in the Caribbean Have to Fight to See the Birth of Their Kids
Fathers are still routinely denied the right to witness the birth of their children in Trinidad and Tobago and many other Caribbean territories.
[Video] Can We Also Celebrate Daughters in India?
Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Gayatri documents in a video one obscure ritual of India, the ‘Saptami Beti’, where women celebrate having a son. She comments: It is important to talk...
Is South Africa a ‘Failed Country'? Alan Dershorwitz Thinks So
American lawyer and political commentator Alan Dershorwitz has angered South Africans by describing their country as ‘a failed state’ in an interview with Piers Morgan.
Egyptian Woman: “Shut Up Your Mouse Obama!”
Watch this video of an Egyptian woman asking US President Barak Obama to "shut up your mouse [mouth]," which is making the rounds.
Kuwait is Dancing and Happy
Kuwait is happy with its very own version of Pharrell's Happy music video. Watch the video to see how Kuwait dances.