Stories about Video from November, 2013
VIDEOS: Ukraine's Police Brutally Beat #Euromaidan Protesters to “Clear” Square
In citizen photos and videos, police are seen beating protesters with batons, chasing unarmed protesters, and even kicking protesters that fall trying to escape.
#StopPrawlerPlan: Activists Against Destruction of Palestinian Villages Arrested in Israel
Prawer shall not pass, yelled protesters today at a Day of Rage against the Prawer Plan, which if implemented will displace Palestinian Bedouins living in Al Naqab.
Dubai Wins the Expo 2020!
Dubai has been selected to host the World Expo trade convention in 2020. The Twittersphere celebrates.
GV Face: 200,000 Dominicans of Haitian Descent Stripped of Citizenship
Can a country strip more than 200,000 people of their citizenship rights? This week we speak to activists in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Where Does Puerto Rico Stand on LGBT Issues?
Or perhaps a better question: where does the LGBT community stand in the struggle to gain visibility and recognition of its rights?
VIDEO: Kazakh Students Sing Love Songs for President
After a massive rally in which some 3,000 students expressed their love for Kazakhstan's president, netizens compare the country to North Korea.
Wealthy Tourists Can Now ‘Experience Poverty’ in Fake South African Slum
For 82 US dollars, you can "experience" poverty in a fake slum in South Africa, the only one in the world "equipped with under-floor heating and wireless Internet access".
VIDEO: Authorities Destroy Mosques in Angola
The destruction of at least 11 mosques in the last two months in Angola is provoking reactions of outrage online. According to Voz da América [pt], Angolan authorities state that the...
Story of a Democratic Blackout: Valencia's Public Television Shuts Down (Part 2)
In this second and final part of a series, we discuss the reactions and consequences on the shutdown of public television in Valencia, Spain.
Will Yemen's Romeo and Saudi's Juliet Have a Happy Ending?
Saudi Huda and Yemeni Arafat are the modern day Romeo and Juliet, reports Noon Arabia
Brazilian “Wikicity” Travels to the World Forum for Democracy
Known as “the capital of participatory democracy”, the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre will become subject for a lab in the World Forum for Democracy. Focus will be given to...
After Haiyan Disaster, Philippines Calls for Relief and Justice for Climate Change Victims
As the Philippines continues to ask for global aid in the wake of the devastating impact of typhoon Haiyan, many Filipinos are also asking world leaders to tackle climate change
Video: Hong Kong Country Parks’ Naturescapes
To advocacy for the preservation of country parks, Francis So made a time lapse video on the landscapes of various country parks in Hong Kong.
GV Face: Students Occupy Bulgaria's Future
This Friday on GV Face we talk abut the future of Bulgaria's protests with our authors Rayna, Nevena Borisova and Ruslan Trad, and Danica Radisic.
Story of a Democratic Blackout: Valencia's Public Television Shuts Down (Part 1)
The announcement by the Valencian government on the afternoon of November 5 fell like a bucket of cold water among television and public radio workers in Valencia, Spain.
Zambia’s ‘King Cobra’ President Publicly Calls Ministers, MPs Fools
President Michael Sata is notorious for his abrasiveness and disregard for protocol at both local and international functions.
VIDEO: “They work to die”, Mystery Disease Killing Central American Sugarcane Workers
Workers who cut sugarcane and other crops in the coastal lowlands of Central America are being hit by a mysterious disease: From Panama to southern Mexico, laborers are coming down...
Exposing the Invisible: Video Profiles of Info-Activists
A new multimedia project called Exposing the Invisible tells the stories of activists, hackers and journalists who work “at the new frontiers of investigation.” Through short films and text, the...
“Catalan Independence” Explained in 16 Languages
The debut video of The Catalan Project (@Catalan_Project) features Fernando de Castro, “a Catalan from Galicia and Spanish”, presenting the project and explaining why some Catalans want independence from Spain using the...
Video: Harasta/Syria massive blast captured on camera
An unconfirmed video posted by Syria Archives 2013 on November, 17th shows a massive blast in Harasta, a city and northeastern suburb of Damascus, Rif Dimashq, Syria, in a government...
1,000 Days of House Arrest
Iran's Green Movement leaders, Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karoubi remain locked in their houses without trial or charges.