· May, 2013

Stories about Video from May, 2013

Independent Projects of Ecological Solidarity Flourish in Puerto Rico

  29 May 2013

Ecological solidarity is getting stronger every day, thanks to the people working hard to develop independent projects in Puerto Rico. Here are a few examples that confirm once again that the goal of preserving nature, cultivating non-toxic products and advocating for sustainability isn't an impossible dream.

Mozambique's Health Care Workers Strike for Higher Pay

  29 May 2013

Health professionals in Mozambique have been on strike for ten days leading to the halt of operations in many medical units throughout the country. The dispute with the government is based on demands for wage increase and standardisation, as well as the readjustment of the emergency room prices throughout the country's hospitals.

Rebels in Thailand's Troubled South Make Public Debut on YouTube

  29 May 2013

In Thailand's southern borderlands where various Muslim rebel groups have led a deadly nine-year insurgency, the majority of the violence has remained anonymous, committed without any one group coming forward to claim responsibility, make demands, or put a face to the conflict. That is until one of the insurgent groups released a rare video introducing their movement.

Indian Ruling on Vedanta Mining Plans Favours Tribal Rights

  25 May 2013

India's Supreme Court recently ruled that village councils should make the final decision as to whether controversial British company Vedanta Resources can mine for bauxite in the eastern state of Odisha. Vedanta wants to mine on land that the local Dongria Kondh people hold sacred.

Outrage over Arrest of Two Photojournalists in Spain

  24 May 2013

The news of the arrest of photojournalist Raúl Capín, in Madrid, was widely shared under the tag #RaúlLibertad on Twitter. Photojournalist Adolfo Luján was also arrested. Many online messages of indignation and against the repression of journalists who report on social protests are circulating.

Brazil's Indigenous Fight Back Against State Development

  24 May 2013

As Brazil's economy steamrolls forward on the momentum of mega-construction projects, many of the country's indigenous have found their homelands snatched away for the sake of development. The construction of the Belo Monte Dam in Pará and the Olympic Museum in Rio de Janeiro have been marked by clashes between police and activists.

Spanish TV Offers Parents Tips on How to Dress Kids Appropriately

  23 May 2013

A news report on Spanish television showing parents how to ensure their children do not dress provocatively has unleashed protests on the web. Ever since the Rajoy government changed the top brass of the public broadcaster, there has been no shortage of denunciations about lack of independence and journalistic rigour.

Private Plane Trip Rocks Costa Rican Government

  22 May 2013

Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla has been questioned for using a private airplane owned by a company linked to a businessman who is allegedly involved with drug trafficking in Colombia. Some of the President's closest officials have had to present their resignations as a result of the incident.

Laughing at Russia's Eurovision Shooting Spirit

Earlier today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov commented on his country's fifth place finish in this year's Eurovision Song Contest. At a press conference, Lavrov denounced supposed voting irregularities, claiming that Russia's points were "stolen," and called the anomaly "an outrageous act," promising Russian retaliation. Netizens were deeply amused.

Nicaraguans Defend Law Against Violence Towards Women

  20 May 2013

In April a campaign entitled "I Support Law 779" began on social networks demanding that the "Integral Law Against Violence Towards Women" be respected before numerous reforms that religious leaders and members of the Supreme Court of Justice proposed.

Turkey: Syrian Refugees Targeted after Reyhanlı Blasts

On May 11th, Reyhanlı [en] small Turkish town on Turkey-Syria border, was under terrorist attacks. This was the biggest terrorist attack [en] in country's 90 year-old republican history. Netizens react to the blast, a government imposed media ban on the tragedy and the targeting of Syrian refugees which followed.

About our Video coverage

Juliana Rincón Parra
Juliana Rincón Parra is the Citizen Video editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.