· October, 2012

Stories about Video from October, 2012

Puerto Rico: Political Parties Reap the Benefits of Social Media

  31 October 2012

Social media have become a key part of daily life in Puerto Rico, a fact which has not escape the attention of the country's various political parties. Each of these has tried to capitalise on the enormous potential that social media offer, some with greater success than others.

Saint Lucia: Jounen Kwéyòl Festivities (Creole Day)

  31 October 2012

On Sunday, Saint Lucia celebrated its annual Jounen Kwéyòl (Creole Day). The day of activities were the culmination of Creole Heritage Month. On Jounen Kwéyòl, selected communities host a fair where the Creole culture is celebrated through dress, music and most of all, food.

Colombian ‘Tiger’ Radamel Falcao, Nominated for FIFA Ballon d'Or

  31 October 2012

The Spanish football club Atlético de Madrid has launched a video promoting Colombian striker Radamel Falcao's bid to become the 2012 FIFA Ballon d'Or. The campaign has been well received among Colombians, who have been sharing the spot and commenting the campaign on Twitter using the hashtag #UnTigreDeOro (A golden tiger).

Afef Abrougui, Blogging From Tunisia

  31 October 2012

Afef Abrougui, a contributor for Global Voices in Tunisia, tells us about her experience in the demonstrations that took place in her country in 2011 and what she expects for the immediate future of Tunisian politics. She also shares with us some of her daily life and chores.

What Exactly is a Hackathon? And What is Open Data?

  30 October 2012

We previously announced the next hackathon for Latin America: Developing Latin America 2012. But it's likely that some readers are not sure what a hackathon is or above all, what it's for. Here we try to answer those questions with definitions, examples, and two video interviews with Argentinian hacker Mariano Crowe.

China: Medicinal Alcohol

  30 October 2012

A netizen (Derek) has introduced the Chinese tradition of medicinal alcohol online, in particular the three-penis alcohol that apparently enhances a man's power.

Occupy Movement Rallies for ‘Debt Strike’ Worldwide

  27 October 2012

Under the slogan “You are not a loan, you are not alone”, Occupy Wall Street's “Strike Debt” group is aiming to inject life into a resistance movement against debt repayment. The operation is gaining worldwide support, and could very well revive the protest movement Occupy Wall Street which was born a year ago.

China: Failure to End the Slaughter of Migratory Birds

  25 October 2012

The migratory bird season has come in China; yet instead of searching for food in the warm lake areas, a large number of birds are being slaughtered for human consumption. Every year, more than 150 tonnes of wild birds are caught in certain villages in Hunan province.

Kyrgyzstan: Child Abduction Caught on Tape

  24 October 2012

A spine-chilling video caught on a CCTV camera in a small provincial town in Kyrgyzstan appears to depict an abduction of an 11-month-old child in a crowded market place. The video has become a focal point for discussion among Kyrgyzstani netizens, with many blaming the child's mother for neglect and even complicity in the abduction.

Madagascar: Preserving National Heritage with Video Archiving

  23 October 2012

A Civil Society Initiative has been set up to preserve the 'collective memory' of Madagascar by digitally archiving videos detailing its, often controversial, history. The Fl@H Association was set up to preserve Madagascar’s audiovideo heritage and aims to be a force for the preservation of the country’s history. Members can already point to several achievements.

Kuwait: The Country's Biggest Protest?

  23 October 2012

Tear gas and stun grenades were used to disperse a protest in Kuwait against changes to the electoral law. The Sunday march attracted about 150,000 out of the country's population of 3 million. Media outlets considered this number to be the biggest in the small Gulf emirate's history.

About our Video coverage

Juliana Rincón Parra
Juliana Rincón Parra is the Citizen Video editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.