Stories about Video from August, 2009
Online Campaigns To Combat Spread Of HIV/AIDS
To combat the spread of AIDS, many organizations and activists worldwide are engaged with innovative and localized campaigns and initiatives. Today we will discuss some of them who use ICT and citizen media to augment their cause.
Iran: “United for Baha'i Human Rights”
The Muslim Network for Bahai's Rights share with us a short animation video about Bahais’ problems in Iran since 1979.
Azerbaijan: Washington DC protest for detained activist bloggers (updated)
With detained video bloggers Adnan Hajizade and Emin Milli now facing an additional charge in their native Azerbaijan, The Collegian says that support for the two imprisoned youth activists yesterday transcended the digital world and spilled out thousands of miles away onto the streets of Washington DC.
Puerto Rico: “Such is Life”
The executive director of the government project Portal del Futuro defended the construction of a luxury mega-resort by telling residents of neighboring communities that they would not have access to this kind of project because "such is life." Puerto Rican bloggers respond to his remarks.
Japan: Robot nurse bear
Pink Tentacle featured a new machine – robot nurse bear which is designed to assist nurses by lifting patients in and out of their beds and wheelchairs.
Sri Lanka: Video Evidence Of Extra-Judicial Killings Sparks Debate
Prathapa Madhav posts the controversial video clip which was first uploaded in YouTube by the Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka (JDS) and was subsequently removed by YouTube for violating...
Palestine: Qatayef, A Special Ramadan Dessert
During Ramadan one of the special dishes enjoyed throughout the Arab world is qatayef, small pancakes stuffed with various sweet fillings. One blogger in Gaza has watched them being made, and another Gazan blogger provides a recipe.
Azerbaijan: Activist bloggers face additional charge as trial approaches
Youth activist video bloggers Adnan Hajizade and Emin Milli have been held in pre-trial detention for 48 days. However, in an unexpected development, the authorities in Azerbaijan have now decided to add an additional charge of assault.
Ukraine: Independence Day Parade
Ukrainiana posts photos and video of the Independence Day parade in Kyiv.
Iran: Testimonies of torture and rape
The Iranian authorities have been accused by UN experts and the opposition of torturing protesters of the June 12 presidential election results. Iranian civil society activists have been using citizen media to highlight testimonies about the Iranian tragedy.
Azerbaijan: Eurovision scandal continues
Despite attempts by the authorities to downplay the incident, news that the names and addresses of 43 citizens who voted for the Armenian entry in this year's Eurovision Song Contest had been obtained by police in Azerbaijan continues to send out shock waves through the Internet.
Caribbean: “Gold Rush” in Berlin
If there was doubt in anyone's mind that Jamaica can lay claim to having the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt's 19:19 win in the 200m final must have removed any skepticism. Once again, regional bloggers celebrate with their Jamaican counterparts.
Puerto Rico: Public News Channel Dismantled
The newsroom of Puerto Rico's only public channel was practically dismantled recently, allegedly due to budget cuts. The Puerto Rican blogosphere has been loaded with comments.
Iran: Televised Confessions Spur Video Cyber-Activism
Video confessions are serving as a form of cyber activist protest for those against the forced confessions and political drama in Iran.
Azerbaijan: Eurovision voting scandal
Although held in May, some media outlets in Azerbaijan last week reported that 43 people who voted for the Armenian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest have been identified by police and one has even been called in for questioning. Bloggers react.
Iran: Bella Ciao song and Iranian protest movement
Here is a video film where Bella Ciao, an old anti-fascist resistance song has been added to the Iranian protest movement's photos.
Armenia: Youth rally for detained activist
The Frontline Club posts photographs of yesterday's rally by an opposition youth movement in support of a detained fellow activist. Unzipped also posts video of the demonstration.
Costa Rica: Long awaited for Train in Inaugural Run
New train service in Costa Rica is received with flag waving and cheering, but also several complaints and concerns.
Russia, Ukraine: Music vs Politics
LJ user oleg_kozyrev asks (RUS) Ukrainians not to get offended at Russia because of president Medvedev's address and suggests that fellow-bloggers post “something Ukrainian today,” ending his post with a...
Bangladesh: Uncultured Project and Clean Water
The Uncultured Project helps out in Bangladesh with clean water and disaster relief, and has an advantageous position to compare two different portable water filtering methods.
Armenia-Azerbaijan: An interview with Elizabeth Métraux
DOTCOM is an online initiative using blogs and video to bring American, Armenian and Azerbaijani teenagers together to work on creating socially conscious media. Global Voices Online speaks to Program Director Elizabeth Métraux.