Stories about Video from June, 2008
No More Highschool For Omani Blogger
Omani Blogger Abdullah has completed his high school exams and is back on the blogging scene. He has also posted a vlog to tell us how his exams went.
Iran: Citizen Media Sex Scandal
Earlier this month, students at Zanjan University in North-West Iran recorded and uploaded a video of their school's vice president, Hassan Madadi, with his shirt unbuttoned, allegedly preparing to have...
Israel: New National Bird Good for a Laugh
Embarrassed about your country's national bird? Don't be. Israel has one far more comical. Comedy Central's hit television show “The Colbert Report” cites Israel's choice of the long-billed hoopoe as...
Ukraine: Paul McCartney in Kyiv
Ukrainiana writes about and posts photos and video from Paul McCartney's concert in Kyiv.
Jordan: Queen's Message
Jordanian Jad posts a YouTube message featuring Queen Rania of Jordan, who calls upon people to dispel some of the stereotypes people have on Arabs.
Jamaica: Red Man
Jamaican litblogger Geoffrey Philp posts a poem on “the curse of being apart, neither black nor white, but red…”
EmPivot: Green media aggregator
EmPivot is a website made for sharing videos with a specific theme: environment. This green-related media content is added to the website so that people, organizations and companies can connect...
Iran:Sex scandal in University
Several Iranian news sites and blogs including Moeini reported [fa] that Hassan Madadi,Vice president of Zanjan University, was caught on film by students as he was taking off his shirt...
Kuwait: $10,000 Car Treat!
Would you spend $10,000 getting your car waxed? I know I wouldn't - but Lebanese blogger Mark, who lives in Kuwait, draws our attention to someone who did just that.
Trinidad & Tobago: Wet Season
It's finally rainy season in Trinidad and Tobago – and Now Is Wow Too takes the time to appreciate its beauty.
Colombia: The struggles of Barrancabermeja documentary
This nine part documentary created by Taline Haytayan of her experience as part of the Peace Brigades International organization in the strife ridden Barrancabermeja region of Colombia captured my attention...
Serbia: Farewell to Šaban Bajramović, the Gypsy King of the Balkans
Šaban Bajramović, known as the “King of Gypsy music,” died on Sunday in Niš, his hometown in Southern Serbia of a heart attack. Here's a sample of what the blogosphere has been saying about him and his music.
Jamaica: Continuing Crime
“Simply being aware and trying to keep myself safe currently feels like a great deal of work”: Transition Sunshine wonders why crime continues to escalate in Jamaica and links to...
Kuwait: Japanese Bug Fights
“Is there a game show the Japanese haven’t invented yet?? Japanese Bug Fights is a site with videos of bugs of different species battling out in a small glass arena,”...
Egypt: Favourite Songs from the 90s
Egyptian Triple M shares videos of his favourite songs from the 90s in this post.
Mexico: citizen complaint over land expropiation in Copala
In Copala [en], a town south of Acapulco in the province of Guerrero in Mexico, comes this video denouncing the alleged expropriation of lands belonging to Isabel Pisa and Fabiola...
Iran: Judicial Investigator Publically Accuses Ayatollahs of Corruption
A member of Iran's Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission, Abbas Palizdar, created a scandal this month by accusing several top clerics and influential members of the Islamic Republic of corruption...
Slovenia: Biking to Work
Dr. Filomena films part of her bike ride to work in Ljubljana.
Iran: Voices for Peace
Watch in You Tube the first cut of a public service announcement about thirty-one Iranian Americans: who we are, what we believe in and why we're for peace.
Egypt: Doctors shoot video of hospital blackout emergency
With more frequency now, hospitals are being managed as big businesses with clients instead of health facilities with patients. Doctors who wish to honor their Hippocratic Oath have to hope that their hospital management has the same ideal of keeping the good of the patient as the highest priority. This was the case last week in the Al Matrya teaching hospital in Egypt, where 4 babies and 2 adults on life support lost their lives due to a 2 hour blackout in the early morning hours and generators failed to kick in once again.
Egypt: Doctors Expose Mismanagement on YouTube
Egyptian doctors have posted videos on YouTube exposing mismanagement at a government hospital, writes Zeinobia., who reposts the shocking videos [Ar] shot during an electricity outage. Four infants died when...