Stories about Video from April, 2007
Sierra Leone: dancing and singing in Sierra Leone
Live From Freetown posts two videos from East vs. West, a music competition in Sierra Leone between artists from the east side against those from the west side of Freetown:...
Online Freedom for All: Some cases worth supporting
In my last article, “Lessons from the Free Kareem campaign”, I talked about campaigning and why some jailed and persecuted bloggers and online writers are winning sympathy, while others have...
Ethiopia: March to protest violence against women.
A march was organized on April, 14th at Merkel square, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This march wanted to show that women were still at risk of random acts of violence and...
Nigeria: post-election video
State elections in Nigeria last Saturday were marred by chaos, violence, and irregularities. Greenlight Nigeria posts a post-election video on YouTube.
Nicaragua: Justice Crosses Borders With Social Media
This, beyond the verity of facts, or the innocence of the involved parties, is a battle of Nicaragua's traditional media (La Prensa, El Nuevo Diario, and TV news programs), against the social media pressure of the blogosphere, a new medium of journalism and collective information based on social relations made over the internet.