Stories from Quick Reads from March, 2013
Interview: Brazil's Indigenous Before Eviction
Brazilian activist Nayana Fernandez interviewed some of the former dwellers of the indigenous settlement known as Maracanã Village, in Rio de Janeiro, days before they were violently evicted by the...
Brazilian Military Enters Indigenous Lands
On March 22, the Brazilian Government deployed [pt] 60 forces of the police and army to the lands of the Munduruku indigenous people, at the Tapajós river basin. Activists and...
China's Feel-Good Viral Photo Wasn't Real
A feel-good viral photo showing a young girl on her knees helping an elderly homeless man eat has turned out to be a publicity stunt and netizens feel cheated. More...
Charity on a Subway
[G]iving to beggars is a straightforward opportunity to practice generosity in my daily life. So why the resistance to giving? At the time my friend pointed out that I had probably...
Dream a Little Dream in China
My Chinese dream: Judicial fairness. Give back the life of my son. While China’s new leader Xi Jinping likes to talk about his “Chinese dream”, a group of Chinese petitioners...
‘Good Morning Earth!': Tweets from Space
Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield), a Canadian astronaut “currently living in space aboard ISS as Commander of [Expedition 35],” has been tweeting his amazing photos of the Earth daily since Dec. 2012.
Film Exposes Madagascar's Child Sex Trade
The published on March 25 a detailed investigation using undercover filming to expose the booming child sex trade in Madagascar: One mother in the film testifies: My daughter was...
Dear Xenophobic Policeman, Fancy a Drink?
Blogger Mizohican from Mizoram, India has invited a Mumbai police officer who mistook him for a Nepali and used a xenophobic slur at him for drinks to talk things out.
Holy Week in Antigua, Guatemala
Alfombras (carpets), processions, and floats –AntiguaDailyPhoto shares a series of photo posts on Holy Week traditions in Antigua, Guatemala.
China's Dead Pigs Expose Illegal Farms
Barry van Wyk from DANWEI highlights a local report that shed lights on the floating dead pigs in Shanghai river by investigating into the problem of illegal pig farms in...
No Ghost Cities in China
China Law Blog has a guest post by Dirk Chilcote who had lived in Zhenzhou for 3 years. He is skeptical of western media's report on China's ghost cities: In...
Trinidad & Tobago: The Golden Globe
It’s another piece of our history that may disappear from our landscape because we lack the interest in preserving things of value. Tillah Willah thinks that the Globe cinema is...
Global Dialogues Seeks Stories for Short Films
Global Dialogues is promoting an international contest that challenges all young people worldwide (under 25 by April 10, 2013) to pitch an idea for a short film about HIV/AIDS and...
Barbados: Shutting People Out?
Has Barbadian society become more exclusionary? Code Red cites a report that suggests it might have.
Venezuela: New Wave of Online Threats
Several Venezuelan cartoonists, journalists, writers and artists have been the target of a series of threats through Twitter, telephone and text messages, according to news portal Noticias 24. They began...
Chinese Mom Buys NYC Apartment for Toddler
China's state media CCTV News ran a video report on a Chinese mom who bought a USD $6.5 million apartment in Manhattan for her two-year daughter, in preparation for her daughter's...
Xi Jinping's ‘Shoe’ Metaphor Lights Up Web
While discussing the paths that nations take towards development in a speech delivered at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Chinese president Xi Jinping said, “Only the wearer knows if...